Monday, January 5, 2009

You're so special i'm surprised they haven't roped off the space around you

those were the Boss's words. directed at me. and she actually didnt mean special in the indoor helmet wearing way. Though you might have thought that having read my first post of the day...

Following the calamity that was my morning (see below) i proceeded to majorly turn the day around. I was "ON FIYAH" as the Boss likes to say.
I found two articles in two obscure but influential publications that were so highly relevant to two of my teams that the team leaders asked me to write up summaries and send the articles on to the respective clients to leverage for later use. sort of a big deal. relatively speaking.
i also drew up two pitches, sent out thirty emails to journalists and received responses back from 21 of them,(unheard of)and managed to manipulate an executive on the client side into doing precisely what we wanted him to do without him realizing it.
I then happened upon an award that another publication was quietly doing that would be great for the client and when i pointed it out my team leader got way excited and decided i should be incharge of drawing up the submission. cool except the deadline is umTOMORROW and involves two 500 word essays, among other things, which is why im typing this from the office.
AND THEN i caught a major error on a majorly important document that had allready gone through three upper level lines of defense and was about to be sent out to 73 journalist. it wasn't even mine to edit it, i just noticed it. i was so in teh zone at that point i was getting down right casual about it. i practically walked passed the document on a desk and was like "if i were you i'd double check line 23" and they were all like whooooaaaa.
not quite. but i was firing from all cylinders for the first time since i got here. to be honest, at moments during my day, i was having... fun. and not just because my boss is hilarious and my coworkers love to tease me... i was actually enjoying the particular rush i experienced when i nailed a task or went beyond expectations.
but whats really confusing is that even in the best moments i feel absolutely NO PASSION for this subject. how can i be on fire with no passion to fuel it? its distressing because every little pro weights disproportionately much against the long list of cons about this job. and those cons are what are motivating me to keep looking, not become complacent, as L said... i need to remember that this job is not what i want out of life, its not what the part of me i respect considers a real quality of life... or ill wake up five years from now and still be doing it for all the worst reasons. for some stupid rush i get when i find an article on line. im pretty sure search engines can do that its really nothing to be that proud of.

anyway, its an interesting position to be in but at least i can say that my day didnt start and end with mooning my coworker. though i really will never ever live that down around here.
i should probably direct them to a certain facebook group... D.A.M.N...

1 comment:

J said...

I think todays post have been your best by far. I am so glad you were on fire and did great work as we all knew you would, but also mooned your coworker today, which i think i can say we all knew you would do also.
kudos to you.