Thursday, January 1, 2009

What better way to start the new year than with a hangover?

First, I'm sorry for the lack of post last week, i was unable to post in the holiday madness. Along that vein, I had a nice Christmas, though having my brother in town proved to be quite the emotional roller coaster ride. In fact, it is very much still Christmas in our household. Anyone who knows my mother, and lets face it myself as well, knows that we celebrate the full 12 days of Christmas plus some. So much good food and holiday spirit. And gaming. This seems to be quite the year of games in our household, we were given guitar hero world tour and a mini air hockey table and I gifted the family with a game set that included chips and a roulette wheel. Then of course there are trusty board games. I look forward to a spirited game of apples to apples next time we are all together. You all have very much been on my mind as i celebrate the season that is about being with family yet I am so far away from the good friends that I think of as my chosen family.

Moving on. Happy New Year! Just think, a year ago we had just finished our first term as seniors in college. Hard to believe that in 12 short months we finished major projects, ran the gambit of relationship experiences and emotional states, graduated college (!), we've lost family members and gained new jobs, moved to new cities and returned to old ones and generally grown as people (among so many other meaningful moments). That is what occupied my mind as 2008 came to a close, reflecting on where I was just a year ago and how many ups and downs I have weathered since then to ultimately come out better for it. Now here we are, trying to find our paths, most of us coping with some degree of feeling lost. I think of all of you (and myself) and how that it can be easy as we transition to forgot or devalue what we have all accomplished, how much we've grown, how much we have succeed and overcome up until this point. Also, I think we lose sight of how much we will succeed from this point on. I firmly believe that all of you will find happiness, fulfillment, love and success somewhere along the line. And I fully believe you all deserve that and more!

Personally, I hate new years, I never have fun and always seem to be doing something or with people I don't want to be. So I was dreading this new years eve as another crappy night to end one year and begin another. But after much hesitation and anxiety, I had a party at my house with mostly friends from high school in attendance. And I have to say, it was pretty successful and I had fun. So perhaps i broke my new years curse. Or not depending on your perspective because after drinking a fair amount but nothing ridiculous I woke up today and could do nothing but vomit violently from 9am to 2pm. And as you might deduce there wasn't anything beside stomach bile to throw up pretty quickly. Since this is already TMI, lets just say I didn't have the best of first days to a new year, pretty much just been in bed recovering all day. Apparently me and alcohol don't mix so well, something to keep in mind as a potential resolution.

Anyway, I want to wish you a good start to a new year and I look forward to many good times to come!

Some good stuff to usher out 2008.

Target women sums it up:

That segment is from this whole video, which is well worth watching:

enjoy! love to you all!


D said...

it is remarkable to think how far up my ass my head was a year ago. and how truly happy i was too... hmm.
hope youre feeling better love

L said...

it really has been quite a year, at this point last year we were only 1/3 of the way through with senior year.

look at all we've accomplished!

wonderful post A