Monday, January 26, 2009

fights with frat boys, falling flat and finally free of nostalgia-nausea

saturday evening after barely surviving my first and maybe last boxing session, i dusted myself off like a not-so-champy champ and headed to hanover to visit people i miss and congratulate my coach on getting engaged (YEAH):

there were three notable events:

1. J and i were exiting the HOP after a late night visit to the jewelry studio (following delicious hot chocs with baileys at canoe club) and we noticed a pack of large animal-house-style frat boys across the street heading from AD-land to TDX-land. There was much hooting and hollering and J and i were both agreeing there are some parts of Dartmouth we dont miss, when all of a sudden we hear *THUNK*
J: Did they just kick that car?
D: I think they just kicked that fucking car.
J: Are they about to kick another car?
D: I believe they just kicked another fucking car.
J: Dont tell me they're going to kick aNOTH--
D: Those assholes are kicking every fucking car on this street...and MY car is parked on this street.
J: oh hell no.
D: hellllll yes.
and by the time J and I sped walked up to this pack of apes they had encircled poor barbara (that would be my car) and without shame were winding up to nail her in her tender body when from behind them in flew:
what followed involved an exchange of such foul language that even I dont feel comfortable transcribing it but suffice it to say that J heard "mother" out of my mouth so many times she got confused and asked me later if it really was my mother's car. she'd missed a word.
In my four years at dartmouth i have never encountered such non-sensical vandalism.
As J said later, they're damn lucky she didnt have her stick with her at the time.

2: J and i decided the next day to go skating on occum pond. i believe we spent more time trying to get J's feet into the skates then we did on the ice. in fact, im sure of that. which alone is funny. but the best moment of that event was our attempt to get FROM the rental area TO the pond which was far and away the most treacherous portion of the journey and at one point J was floundering face down on the snow and I, bracing one hand on a wall managed to reach down and grab her by the BELT and pull her to her feet. that was a winning moment.

3. For a number of reasons i've been back to campus at least four times since graduating. i never thought id be one of those alums who i made fun of for not being able to leave the dartmouth womb, especially because i never went back to choate after graduating- not for reunions or plays, love or money was i stepping foot back on that campus. and not because i didnt enjoy myself there. i loved my time at choate... but i find campuses without the people who made my memories to be sad as hell. and every time ive been back to dartmouth ive felt that sadness along with a deep, almost regretful, (for not taking advantage of it more) fairly resentful (of current students) nostalgia. driving towards campus i'd feel a knot forming in my stomach and driving away ive actually felt sick.
this time though, for whatever reason, it was different. maybe because i have a home and something of a life to move into and on to...or maybe because i look at dartmouth students and see a bunch of kids who have no idea whats in store for them and im too far in the know now to go back and hide under the dartmouth blanket as i'd been wishing i could before... whatever it is, its a beautiful place that i love but love has to take new forms over time, a fact i hate to admit but appear to be learning by force.
and i was able to drive away yesterday without feeling like crying or puking.
so thats progress in my book.

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