Sunday, December 7, 2008

Videos and Procrastination

So for graduation my brother gave me an iflip. From past experience, as I'm sure L remembers well, it's usually a bad idea to give me anything that videotapes. I'm kind of famously bad at filming or at least my home movies are always pretty ridiculous. I brought the iflip on the boat trip this summer and insisted on pulling it out at the most inopportune times. Today I decided to post two of my favorite videos to facebook. I can't explain why I love these videos. Seriously everyone who I am filming just seems annoyed with me, I'm giggling away in the background with my weird voice, you get dizzy watching the camera fly everywhere, and they just aren't flattering at all. Watching them does bring up all of these insecurities about whether a certain 3rd best friend of mine actually likes me all that much. Sometimes I really think I just drive him nuts. But still I love my videos. I can't help but grin and laugh as everyone rolls their eyes at me and I remember being exactly in that chair in the south of france just a few months ago. I wish I was back on the boat trip! Any ow I'm adding my two videos below so you don't have to go to facebook to find them.

Other than that I think I'm going to have to cut this post short. It's midnight and I'm still sick so I really need my sleep and I procrastinated all day today and didn't get my work done so I need to be super productive tomorrow. But if I get my act together I might post mid-week for a further update (is that allowed?). L why isn't emergen-C making me better?!?!

1 comment:

L said...

oh man, i had semi-forgotten about your video-ing skills, s, WOW

but boo for still being sick! perhaps you need some evergreen cold-snap? i can't believe the emergen-c is letting you down :(

and you can definitely post another update mid-week! hope you feel better soon!