Friday, November 7, 2008

sick sick sick

ugh i am SICK. the doctor thinks it may be whooping cough (which i though died out with the pioneers ? question mark? apparently not? question mark?) but i think its just a nasty cold. anywho, because of this i have absolutely zero to report. i have spent the last 48hrs, finally giving in after 2 weeks of coughing, either sleeping, coughing, sitting on the couch, and talking to alums (all the while trying to pretend i'm not sick and just have a naturally scratchy and husky voice). i am right now on a LOT of cold medicine, including my beloved "cold snap", which i had abandoned for awhile, foolishly thinking i did not need it. i believe i have shared my love of cold snap with most of you, but if not, it is amazing. it "snaps" the cold right out of you (and not in the delta way, in the homeopathic way)....also the medicine bottle says this, which is pretty amazing:
Basic Way: Take 2 capsules three times a day
Another way: Throw out the notion that a printed set of directions will provide the exact
answer. Consider size, constitution, timing and other factors affecting each unique
person.....(it goes on in more detail)...Continue for several days to ensure restoration of
righteous chi. When the process is complete, the system is often stronger for having been

i do love it though. and weirdly enough it really does WORK

ugh sorry for the lame/whine-y post....enjoy this broadway clip though! this is from wicked, its from kristin chenoweth's last night as glinda, she gets a little goofy/ridiculous during "popular" LOVE IT


J said...

Lily I spoke to you yesterday. You do not have a husky sounding voice. But that line nonetheless made me laugh so hard. I hope you feel better and get rid of the whooping cough before you bring back small pox or some other pioneer disease. And where does one go about buying these cold snaps, I want to meet its inventor. S/he is just as smart as the person who decided to sell bottled water to people who have perfectly healthy water. But I buy bottled water and airborne, so I am a perfect candidate for that stuff.

D said...

what L isnt mentioning is that her beloved coldsnap does not work because she gets a full blown cold every season. i know because every season we get into a fight about cold snap being a complete hoax. righteous chi my ass.

L said...

umm NO d, NO that is not correct, cold snap DOES work, it has prevented many-a-cold, it is only when i don't take it, like in this case, that it doesn't work.....i just need to restore my righteous chi

and j i know you would love this stuff, don't let d influence you!