Saturday, November 15, 2008


In my attempts to ween myself off of TV news coverage, I've been listening to the radio more and more.

This past Thursday was listening for Maroon 5 songs and trying to be the 10th caller, but again, as last week, I my rings did not get through. I really wonder how anyone manages to get through in the first place.

And I've noticed that the main station I listen to that basically plays Top 100 songs, they really onlt play the same 25 songs which can drive you crazy.

So I've been turning on the oldies station and it's just great.

And discovering NPR. The programs are hit or miss. I'm listening to this week's Prairie Home Companion and not really enjoying it (not a problem though since it's on in the background while I shove vocabulary into my head). While driving earlier to the library on the show SoundOpinions, they traced the development of "bubblegum pop" starting with the Jackson 5 all the way to the Backstreet Boys/Nsync; quite entertaining.

I'm glad that I've finally had the chance to start listening to is This American LIfe. All sorts of great stories. The one below is the latest one that I've listened to. David Sedaris tells the first story, but the second story is too funny. The third story is okay. Treat yourself to a good 48 minutes.


D said...

i love that.
and you have to listen to CAR TALK, craig, and wait wait dont tell me. both saturday morning and both a total gas. as they say. whats with me and these archaic terms...hoot....gas... anyway. listen to those.

L said...

oh man i LOVE npr, its just so wonderful. car talk is indeed its own breed of special, but pretty amusing.