Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I am going to Venice!

Ok I haven't bought the ticket yet, but me and my sister are buying tickets on thursday if she can get here passport paperwork in order and here by spring break!

So I have been trying to figure out when I was going to visit cali and for many reasons spring break didn't feel right. So I made an executive decision that I can go visit cali in the spring and spring break was the time to be bold. And at travelocitys crazy cheap fares Venice won hands down.

So me and my sister did a bit of research and decided that we are young and single kidults who should go see europe, even if for only 4 nights, 5 days and 1 city.  It is the start and we are highly excited.  Even my parents who cringe at the thought of me and my sister buying a t-shirt thought this was a good idea and great deal.  Had my mother not purchased her flight to florida for the day after our departure she too would have joined us on our possible adventure.  My father declined on the invite and will stay with our animals instead.  So we are just going to have to buy him something pretty cool.

I can't think of anything else because I have decided to be super excited about this. I shall report back on thursday with hopefully great news.  Lets hope travelocity doesn't go up in price and my sister be able to take those days off.  Mommy has already told me I am not allowed to go alone, and I sorta agree with her on this one.


D said...

ummm this is kind of HUGE.
are you spending the whole time in venice??
oh god im overwhelmed with things i want to say, places i want you to see, ehem people i want you to MEET! (yes hes still there, yes you need to meet him hell show you something special)
...little island of wonder and water... good god im jealous.

L said...




A said...

i have to third both the amazingnesss of this trip and my own jealously it, but i'm mostly just excited for you!