Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weekend Video Bonus Post!

So I decided to do some extra weekend posting to make up for my previous extended leave of absence. Here are some awesome videos I found along the way, because really what is the internet for if it's not for watching random amusing/interesting videos?

First, a little Rachel Maddow action. A little bit of my frustration at the way the republicans are trying coop feminist language to push a ticket with some of the most unfeminist policies out there:

Going along with the political theme, the next video is pretty amazing. This is how the debates should have been done:

And of course I had to share the newest Target Women. So good!:

No post from me would not be complete without something from! Now this is a solution I can get behind:

See more Natalie Portman videos at Funny or Die

good to be back!


J said...

I can not believe I watched that last one. I really want those seconds back. Why would Miss Portman be a part of something so stupid. But I will admit that one with the children is very cute. Now if only all teachers were that cool.

L said...

oh man, i'm so overwhelmed by all the videos, i still think nothing compares to the otter glad you're back A!

D said...

those kids were great. so is this collection of vids..