Friday, October 31, 2008

boston here i come!

so the lease is not yet signed (will be tomorrow) but it looks like I AM MOVING TO BOSTON wooo! and living with d! another wooo!! no job yet, but that is okay i will search search search and hopefully be more successful once i am local and in the meantime get a banana republic/starbucks/waitressing job.....wooo? but really i am so excited! a little bit terrified but mostly so excited to have some sort of direction/plan, i think i am going to apply for law school for next year, and then if/hopefully when i get a great job i can defer a year if i so wish. all very overwhelming! other than that i am spending the evening avoiding the manges of children flocking to the front door--candy makes them especially sticky. (and yes, i know "manges" is not a real word, but doesn't it sound like it should apply to large groups of children?) a certain 4 year old "b" has already come by....she was a pumpkin....all she said was "in" while she pointed to a plastic pumpkin....charming
and then i'm going to a DU hockey game, which will hopefully be child-free (fingers crossed)....anyways i know thats a super super short update but i wanted to let you all know the big news!!
also, although i searched and searched my itunes for either a "boston" or "moving" or "apartment" related song i couldn't find something quite appropriate, but i knew how dissapointed you all would be without a weekly musical clip, yes? yes? so i decided to just post one of my favs, not really related to things going on, but ridiculous and fun nonetheless. its from legally blonde the musical, and it was actually subbed out for another song pre-broadway but i just love it....this is when elle has arrived at harvard to discover warner dating someone else! gasp! and so her loyal delta nu sorority sisters show up to help her out.... i particularly love the line "hey warner please! slam on the brakes!/hey warner please! her pearls are FAKE!"....very delta-y, sorry i know the quality is iffy, but watch!


D said...

i just found 18 dollar dark wicker chairs at the thrift store! allready imagining dinner parties with all you girls at our little casa!

A said...

hahahah "shake your junk" hahaha.. that is a ridiculous musical

and im so happy for you guys! expect a live in :)
i can bake for you to earn my keep.