Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pretend it's Thursday/Trying to be Proactive

First, let me just say that now that i have had the chance to catch up on all y'all's postings (yes that's right...all y'all... i live closer to home now so i can revert back), i am incredibly sad I have not been getting in on the witty banter following each post. Damn comcast for not getting internet set up in my house. on the bright side, I think the guys who run this coffee shop/breakfast place/panini cafe (yes it's a little schizo) now consider me a regular. I threw them off today when I ordered a coffee instead of a chai. Watch out panini guy! Next time I might get chamomile!

Also, I can't wait for next week's posts. Did D take the job? Did J pee her pants/innapropriately manipulate the interns? Has L yet broken into song in LSAT class? (I really, really hope so.)

Yes, I realize Weds is not my day, but tomorrow I fly away on the office retreat and will once again be without internet. So, life update since, err, posting "last week" like two days ago:

1. I lied when I said I had completely finished painting the downstairs. The dining room still looks like shit. This fucking red paint won't go on even. I spent all day yesterday on it. I managed to come out of the experience looking like a homicide victim, or maybe Carrie (the creepy one, not the one with the Manolo fetish). But the walls still look like a two-year-old did the job with finger paint. J, seriously, I need Martha to swoop in on her magic paintbrush and save the day. Maybe we'll just never turn on the chandelier (which makes every awk brush stroke GLOW) and no one will notice.

2. Good news: the exterminator laid his traps. Bad news: Yesterday I had to listen to a thrashing mouse under the oven squeek out a slow, painful death. Causing me to run out of the kitchen while flailing half-rinsed-off paintbrush. On the kitchen floor, you can now see the site of my apparent homicide.

3. Still battling it out with the mosquitos. Or perhaps I'm sleeping with a spider? Beginning to look like I have chicken pox. (Red paint splotches, of course, don't help).

Look forward to catching up on your posts when I return from the retreat my dears :-)


D said...

i think that this post following J's post and, moreover, L's comment on J's post, is oddly wonderfully telling.
love it.

i cant believe you massacred those mouses. im horrified.

L said...

see if you had your own 'trading spaces' show this could all be fodder for one of the episodes.... ooo maybe we could even combine it with j's intern search, painting your apartment could be one of the challenges...and then they could do a musical number about it