Sunday, March 1, 2009


More updates!

Tyler leaves on Tuesday. I can't believe I already have to say goodbye! I've had so much fun having him at home and I got so used to be able to call him whenever I wanted. I'm more insecure about my friendship with Tyler than anyone else, and even though this visit home was amazing I worry that everything is going to change when he gets back. I feel like we finally got to a good comfortable place. This week he came to work to have lunch with me and see my cube, we went to see the animated shorts that were nominated for the oscars (random I know, it was actually a mistake), we went out to dinner in the city and drank champagne at my apartment, and last night was his graduation party. Now all I have left is to stop by after work to say goodbye! I've been driving Knoxie absolutely nuts complaining about this stuff, so I had to vent here...anyhow I'll probably just end up running up a huge international phone bill since I'll trying to forget about missing tyler by calling alex more.... oh my life is a little confused...

On a happier note - I think we found an interior designer for my apartment! It's this amazingly cute couple (the man's name is Casper and the woman is a furniture designer for pottery barn). I'm so excited! I hope this place ends up looking amazing. You'll all have to come for a dinner party because I'm planning on having A TON (especially now that I can stop by home to pick up partially made food!). Knoxie and I went out to brunch in the city today and it made me really loook forward to all of our future brunches in the city. We're still trying to figure out our move in date - but it might not be until June. I'll keep you posted on the progress. In like two weeks I'll post some pictures of the apartment pre-furniture.

Finally, on Friday I am heading to Vail to ski for the first time in 6 years! L - let me know if there are any restaurants/shops that I should make sure to go to! And p.s. I am planning on calling you back really really soon!

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