Monday, March 2, 2009


oh people
doors are opening in my life at such a wild rate its only a matter of time before one swings and hits me in the ass and sends me flying.

but in the meantime im relishing it and have met some amazing people seen some amazing music live and learned some amazing things about my coworkers that have changed the way i view my work and the role its playing in my bigger picture.

starting with a small personal adventure ive slowly allowed opened myself up in ways i didnt expect and in response ive found the world more open to me than i ever knew it was.

i guess ill be more specific next week if theres anything ot be specific about but in the mean time, i write to you from an ungracefully splayed position in the middle of my living room. i'm looking around right now thinking about what this room used to look like. the periwinkle walls, lovingly-if lazily-overpainted to its current 'happy almond' hue by L and me with the help of some red wine and early 90's jams... the asymetrical navy sloping mantle draped with cheery christmas lights balancing a row of sweet valentines cards from our various suitors. and by suitors i mean parents and neighbors... the painted plaques that cover live wires where i wrenched hideous art deco light fixtures off the wall ("without an electrician! you'll fry your face off!" - my mother) preferring the gaping hole and fire hazard to the former visual affront... the trunk i stole from my attic thats cracked almost in half but still serving quite well as our coffee table. the papajohnazon chair L brought that likes to eat its inhabitants like a venus fly trap...i just love our place. i love it for all its quirks and curmudgeonly corners...but more so for how much work L and i have put into making it a combination of our selves, our ideas of what a home should be...

im also currently making L a CD thats shes under strict orders to listen to ON REPEAT of all missy higgins songs. why? because WERE GOING TO HEAR HER ON SATURDAY WAHHHHH IM FREAKIN OUT! i have been obsessed with this girl for well over a year. shes so far up my alley shes around my corner. the title of the CD is GET PUMPED TO GET ANGSTY BABY because thats what our L, perky mcperkyperson, is going to have to do... im enclosing a little sample.

so good musics playing. my kittys chasing an orange and fuschia non denominational ornament around the room. theres another foot of snow on the ground somehow. i have hours of work tomorrow that i have no desire to do. but its ok. im deeply content in this moment. lily just flicked a slipper off her foot and hit me in the side of the face.
life is good.


L said...

ahh! i just RE-listened to these songs, so SO good

L said...

and you know what? i think missy's a little perky

just saying