Monday, March 30, 2009

hello again

i know i know, i've very much been MIA from the blog. sorry, sorry! i have been reading the posts though, and i promise to get back in the posting routine!

anywho, mini-update: i was at home for a week, visiting, skiing etc. (got to see the fam, the pets and some elk in the backyard, always a good time) and then was back here, in time for an auction at work (no major drama apart from getting a $6000+ necklace stuck on me for a stressful 15min) and then this past weekend did the law-school visiting routine, which was sort of like a weird twilight zone version of visiting undergrad schools but instead of "where are you from?" the question du jour was "what have you been doing since school?". i can't tell you how many times in a 5-hr period i heard, "i spent some time working on the obama campaign, good times".
it's getting down to decision time, as of yet no major decision, but i think/hope getting closer to figuring it out everyday. i think i tend to shut down a bit when avoiding big decisions, which is a bit ironic because not-shutting down would be a good way to avoid decision making, BUT anyway i'm trying to be better, and post and keep in touch (everyone get excited for an influx of emails/phone calls) AND......(i can feel the excitement building) keeping up on my broadway news.

first off, rock of ages, which if any "musical" needed air quotes i think this is it. it seems to be the mamma mia! of the 80s-rock loving crowd, which generally as we all know would include myself, but i think there are better things to be seen/to spend your money on in NY right now. or at least lets hope. i think i would have seen it off bway (where it just transferred from), but who needs to pay $85 for an 80s party? life can be your 80s party. (yes that's right)
anyways, sorry for the mini-review, but here's a clip of the show in a rehearsal that was open to the press...i think you'll see what i mean. that said, it does look like a lot of fun...and i can't get the song out if my head.

on a more traditional bway note, here's a number from a cabaret performance of the show "henry and mudge"...i've maybe watched this video 8 times now. it's pretty silly but i love it. and how this actress really does nail the persona of a 7 year old. enjoy!

i know you all were missing a little jazz hands in your life.....


J said...

That first clip is one of the worst things I have ever seen, and that second clip one of the best. She really was a 7 year old. Hi L! does of luck with the decision making, I bit the bullet and made a decision and now I am ten times happier. I will be calling soon.

L said...

my favorite part of the 2nd video:
"....and wear a cape....and it's really fun...and...........did you see my party dress?"

yes! trying to bite the bullet.....ugh, can be difficult though

A said...

i second J's comment. the choreographer of that first video needs a good smack upside the head and wow on the second one!