Tuesday, March 3, 2009

E meu Fado

Hi everyone.  So today I just came from a great performance of Fado.  It is a type of music that is sorta jazz, sorta gypsy, sorta blues and sorta can make every emotion come out of you.  This woman didn't even look human, although with her ghoulish appearance she was quite beautiful. The most beautiful part was how she transformed while singing her fado.  She quickly talked about the history of Fado.  Fado comes from a Latin root for the word fate or destiny, and many people in Portugal say E meu Fado, to mean it is my fate.  I think that is great,  to use the term for music and fate sorta interchangably. I just thought it was a lovely phrase.  So I wanted to share.

I have no major news to report.  Life is going well and many a countdown has begun.  Countdown to Venice, to going to Boston, to knowing from Stanford and just generally waiting for people.  I hope meu fado is positive, but regardless e meu fado and will go with it.  But not to worry the second anything major happens I will alert the group.

1 comment:

L said...

J! keep us posted!!!!