Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I applied for housing

So after cursing a lot at the Stanford server I applied for housing.  It was very overwhelming. I have no clue where any of these places are, nor do I think it matters that much because I imagine the next 2 years to be full of bad hair days, little sleep, little food and little time in my bed.  But it might be a nice little bed.

So A has been living with me and let me give you a little bit of an update. We went old school candle pin bowling two days ago at 9pm.  We firstly got so confused, not quite lost but confused all the way there. We were the only people in the whole ally except for the owner and worker. We played in teams and at the end of game two the old man on anna's team seriously hugged her from behind and kissed her on the cheek, it was too good.  I held back the laughter. But they let us go without paying so annas kiss must have been very good. 

Then we went to the supermarket at 10pm, don't do that.  It is full of freaks. Lesson learned as I almost threw down with a freak at the bagel counter. And yesterday we went for a walk around mink brook after i got home from work, and midway through the walk we were kinda afraid the trees might fall on us because they were moving back and forth like leaves, except they were trees.  And then we kept hearing large bangs.  I was sure the forest was collapsing around us. 

ok back to work

1 comment:

L said...

what did the bagel man do??

j (and a!) this story begs to be expanded!