Saturday, January 17, 2009

Fish Frottage and Dildo Diaries

Let me start with a quote from the PETA campaign coordinator regarding fish, "...they express affection by gently rubbing against one another." i.e. fish frottage. Okay so that might be a bit of a stretch but I couldn't resist.
Anyway, my point is that I have ridiculous and entertaining things to share.

1. Sea Kittens!

I'm all for the ethical treatment of animals, you all know my love of the small and fluffy, but I find myself often disagreeing with Peta's strategies. The tend to utilize sexist, objectifying portrayals of women's bodies to get their point across and I'm just not down with that. They have recently launched a campaign to recast fish as "sea kittens" in the public's mind. I'm so serious. I could not make this up.

here is a fabulous npr piece on it:

It is just full of great quotes.

2. Dildo Wars

Sex toys were illegal in Texas until last year and are still illegal in Virgina, Alabama and Mississippi. Think about that. The texas attorney general is apparently appalled and is taking action to counter the decision of the courts. He claims that if "the court's decision may 'invite … challenges to previously-uncontroversial criminal prohibitions" on sexual practices such as "consensual adult incest or bigamy' (Page 4)." Okay now think about that.
(article on it here:

Here is an amazing video that is SO worth watching all the way through. Trust me on this.


Craig said...

Best NPR piece ever.

My favorite quote:

"I don't understand how it makes sense"

L said...


i love "[shrug] it's the texas state legislature"

D said...

ummmm i love "no thats, uh, thats to go in the butt."

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how the movie link was deactivated, but the film, Dildo Diaries is a feature length, awarding-winning documentary. DVDs are available for purchase at: