Friday, January 16, 2009

Heat Wave!

It seems our country is once again divided, not by politics, but by weather. The western part of the country is experiencing a winter heat wave. A week of 80+ degrees and nothing but sunny (without yucky humidity). Now here is the beauty of California. It is mid-January and I just came back from skiing at Mammoth Lakes, CA where there was all the markings of winter including winter sports (i had forgotten how much i love skiing), yet still sunny and relatively warm (50). Then a 5-6 hour drive (our states are big out west) and I am back in LA were it is much warmer and there are plenty of beach activities and all the perks of one of the countries major cities. Course I'm sure I would enjoy all of this more at the moment if I wasn't sick. My mom has has the flu for a while now and it finally got to me at the most inopportune time, as illness is want to do. Believe you me, skiing for the first time in 3 years while nauseous is quite uncomfortable. But I still enjoyed it and was able to update my ski wear. I finally got a helmet, new goggles, snow pants and a jacket to hopefully last me the next 10 years. I was pretty spiffy looking if i do say so myself (at least while standing still, I can't speak for my gracefulness while actually skiing).
Now I'm just trying to recover while figuring out what the next step it. I'm not sure if I've said this before, but I feel like i'm at a point where i should decide on a path to follow for the next few months of my life. I have 3 1/2 months until my application to graduate school is due then if I get in I have 2 more month to get ready and move myself to a new country, if I don't get in I have no time line and have to go to plan B. So what do I do in the 3 1/2 months that could turn into 5 1/2 months or into the rest of my life. I want to make the most of that time but I'm just not sure how.

I'm sorry for the late posting, I was sans internet this week while out of town.

If it isn't obvious by now, I have at total girl crush on Sarah Haskins. Here's more reason:


Craig said...

I totally hear you on the "step" and "path" conundrum.

L said...

i second craig's difficult! this whole "life plan" thing is very annoying/also very scary...on a different note i LOVE that you went skiing! i'm very jealous!

one year i really want to get you all on the blog out to CO for some skiing/looking at snow/snowshoeing(??)