Sunday, January 18, 2009

so i haven't broken anything yet

but two things were broken during my week 2 of work, one slightly and very fixable, the other not-so-much. both were accidents and not even really the people that did it's fault but its a pretty big deal, an accident report gets written up, with your name attached. it's actually a little surprising how little does get broken given how many people handle each piece, any given piece probably gets transported or moved or picked up at least 12+ times pre-auction, including being shipped each way since the boston office has little to no long term storage. it's amazing the reality and the buisiness side of handling and dealing with some of this rare objects...

anyways, work is okay, its hard being the only new person and i spent my 2 days there this week moving boxes and furniture up and down stairs and then packing up vases to be sent out to UPS. pretty mindless but i shouldn't complain about having work. as for boston life, i am settling in and figuring out my routine etc. still no posters on the walls, but that will hopefully change this afternoon! d and i did some intense-o snow shoveling yesterday, i felt very new england-y AND got to break out my big pom-pom hat for the first real time this winter. fantastic.

oh also! on the book front (i also really think we should continue to use this blog as a sort of book club-recommendation-wise, AND movie club!) i am in the middle of "the coldest winter" which is david halberstam's 700+ page book on the korean war, it's GREAT so far, but it could be kind of a long haul, over xmas i read "then we came to an end" by joshua ferris (have i blogged about this already?) which was a great, quick read, and very applicable to entering the work force and job firings etc. (its set during the 2001 recession) and all about loving/hating your job, and questioning why you do it etc. but it's pretty funny, not laugh-out-loud, but funny!

more later this week, i'm hoping to see frost/nixon today which i am SO excited about!

unrelated but FABULOUS, really WATCH, he is laugh out loud funny
the lip synching is particularly wonderful

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