Tuesday, January 13, 2009


This is the first time in along time that I haven't been stressed.  Last weeks post was about the lack of stress I was going to feel.  And foolishly I thought I was going to cruise through the week without worry.  But it is me, and my portfolio cover took longer than expected, and I had essay issues and everything got all confused, but today was my first taste of actual freedom.

Yesterday at 3pm I had given S (my school of choice) everything I had.  As our good texas engineering friend J said, I practically birthed this application. And if that is anything like what childbirth is like I am not sure I want to put myself through that torture b/c it could turn out to be the best thing in my life, or just as this situation could be such a sad disappointment. So instead I am focusing in on the good.  And that includes Icy Hockey which I am so bad at it is BEYOND laughable. The bookbinding studio in the Library which is freakin' amazing.  I went there for a class today, and it was such fun.  I hardly did work b/c i hate having to finish something in one day when my idea takes more than a day, so instead i just watch, do a little and mainly look at all the samples.  It is super cool what can be done there.  And tomorrow I go to the ceramics studio to start making zebra tea cups, killer I know. 

And there are 2 incredible exhibitions in the Jaffe-friede and strauss galleries which i am going to have to live with for a while.  A really cool new artist-in-resident for the studio art program.  A moose at the Montshire museum that is calling my name.  So I have been FASCINATED by animals as of late. D can speak of my desire to get a Guinea pig, but also I am dying to see a moose life size.  So I am going to the montshire museum b/c I hear they have one and I really want to see it. 

oh an my new fascination, DiGiorno Pizza.  I never thought about getting it until I was at the Coop and really wanted pizza.  It looked hearty, and I like hearty food.  So I got the self rising 4 cheese pizza.  And I had to dress it up with some garlic, onions, feta (obviously I was eating this alone and not kissing a soul) but it was soooooo good.  With some green leaf or bush like vegetable it would have been even better.  I highly recommend for the young person on the go go go. It is fast and can please anyone!

I am happy but my health may be on the way out temporarily. I have been blowing my nose like mad and swear today i questioned my ability to read from a computer screen and hear over my cell phone.  Which all probably means my behaviors of the previous season are catching up to me.  Poor eating and sleeping habits breeds flu like symptoms, working many hours straight on tedious sewing, hammering, soldering or cutting breeds poor eyesight and well jamming a q-tip in your ear probably isn't the smartest thing to do everyday. 


Craig said...

If you haven't, I'm a big fan of the printmaking studio. I made a whole bunch of personalized stationery there last spring.

D said...

the oprah/martha persona shone through with that digiorno rec. on the gogogo? whoa.
how about eating it raw and before its risen? because thats where i was a few weeks ago. i actually stared at the box for a number of minutes, weighing sleep and necessary calories against the taste of raw pizza dough. i think thats called a woman on the gogogogoing insane.

L said...

i am SO excited to try this digiorno concoction! especially as my cooking expertise is so limited....also, this moose?? is it stuffed? is this a zoo animal? is it like a pony-ride?