Continuing along the holiday spirit, I went with Mom and Mike today to pick out pumpkins for our house and last night I went to a pumpkin carving party, which was awesome! I made friends, it was nice. I am also planning to make a small halloween/fall themed dinner on friday and actually try and execute those Martha Stewart Living ideas I always dogear and think how cool that would be. Wish me luck.
So I've worked up a bit of a political rant/ramble, just thought I'd give a warning on where I was going...I watched Obama's special (im not sure what to call it) tonight with Mom and I got a little emotional. That is due in part to the bizarre and volatile mood(s) i've been in since i've been back, but mainly because it hit home how close we are to this election, to electing this man to the presidency and what it would mean if we did and what it would mean if we didn't. It is hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that McCain has a chance to be elected, but I that is because there are few to no policy positions where I find myself agreeing with the republican party and that fact is not assumed but constantly affirmed. However, I do understand that people have different stances than me, and so a choice that is obvious to me might not be the same for others. But after the last 8 years of the Bush presidency, the time the republicans held a majority in congress, the lies and hypocrisy of the McCain/Palin presidential campaign (not the the Obama campaign has been perfect), and after reading and hearing about the specific policy proposals of both candidates, I have to say I will be thoroughly disappointed in our country if Obama is not elected. Along with incredibly depressed and scared for our country's future. I will also be very upset if prop 8 (ca constitutional amendment to ban same sex marriage) and prop 4 (required parental consent for women under the age of 18 seeking an abortion, which as you know can really endanger girls with abusive parents, in cases of incest, etc) pass but that's CA specific. We are less than a week away from what I think will be a defining moment in our history and I am excited by the potential and scared by the possible outcomes. I'm sharing because this election has become part of my daily life, reading the LA times, listening to NPR, watching CNN with mom and mike, driving down the street and seeing the various signs, almost any conversation I have eventually turns to something about the election. And now the actual day is almost here. Crazy.
Here is some Daily Show goodness on McCain air quoting "women's health" (about half way through the video Sam B comes on and throws down):
Note: I know that not everyone agrees with me and although I do feel strongly I still welcome discussion about it (I realized that we have other readers who's political leanings I don't know). I don't mean to offend, only to share my feelings.
Moving on, I do have some noteworthy news though: I have decided to pursue graduate school! I will not give up my job/volunteer searching in the appropriate non-profit field, but my main objective is finding the information and applying. I am confidant I can do both, and if when the time comes to actually apply, if I am happy where I am job-wise I can post-pone applying or apply and defer. So I see this as the best option because it leaves me open to go both ways (down Murray). The program I want is a Gender Studies PhD program at the University of Sydney. As of now I am thinking I will apply by April for their 2nd semester that starts in July (only problem is that if i get in and come home for breaks I won't have "summer" for a while, luckily I will be coming home to California winter which is practically summer anyway). If I am not accepted I think that puts me in a good place to regroup and look at other programs/options. It is scary (especially the whole apply with your dissertation proposal part) and exciting. After researching to death my options and some soul searching, I know this is right, this is the path I want to go down. And if it doesn't work out, I'll go from there, but I have a plan and i feel good about it. yay! I don't know much yet, but i will keep you updated as I do. eee!
And after reading your posts I just want to say to you guys that I love you all and please don't stress yourselves to death. That would make me sad. Very very sad.
Sending you all warm fuzzy thoughts as you conquer your challenges. Just imagine this and some Anna scratchies:

I thought I used a lot of air quotes, that was a great clip. And Anna I think you would love to know that the new calendar for the 2009-2010 year in the J-shop is on "stuff on your cat" it is so weird
oh anna, i am so happy your posts are back!
and CONGRATS on the grad school decision! its so exciting/i'm sure such a relief to have a definite goal/focus :)
yup its definitely good to ahve goals, i think the program in siydney would be wonderful for you intellectually nevermind how beautiful it would be to live there. of course, that dissertation might mean a little less time on cuteoverload but i think its a fair trade.
if you really want to just cry about obama in a positive way, watch this clip:
its really inspirational, of course made my the campaign but you cant buy that kind of emotion and inspirational too that he was married for 69 years. damn.
your rant was right on of course, its just terrifying how drastically different our lives and our countries identity will be if mccain is elected over obama. if so, were going to need more womens studies phds than ever.
also, that "down murray" made me explode with laughter in a public place.
I am so glad to hear of your aspirations/to hear from you (even via a blog proxy) in general. Contact me sometime because I love/miss you and scratchies (but mostely you) intensely.
And I have given myself an initial for comment-posting purposes. YAY!
Also, I should have proofread my comment.
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