Tuesday, October 28, 2008

how the hell is it only tuesday? holy crap it's tuesday

Hi Ladies, & Craig,

I did not forget you all, in fact I have been thinking about this posting all day, but have been working all day and now have just made it home and am sitting in my half deflated air mattress that by the time i wake up in 6 hours will but be plastic under my foam cover.  The slow leak i mentioned before has become medium sized leak and I think I am going to have to replace this bed, which is so sad.  We have bonded so much, i grew to like the fact that i could move my bed with just a push of my foot. Maybe that is why it developed a leak but eh. 

Ok so more on things that aren't my leaky bed. I leave for Cali on monday! woohoo.  But that just means I have 4 days to pull together a small working portfolio which will be carried in my bag at all times when I walk around and meet people.  I have set up most of my appointments, but I still haven't figured out where I am sleeping or just laying down during the night hours to allow my mind to race.  But all those little details don't matter because I will be in California with skateboarders and designers.  Throw a redheaded engineer in there and I think that would be considered paradise. 

So the main reason I worked so late tonight was because by tomorrow evening I am going to have a set of 24 silver crayon sleeves.  They are going to be beautiful and so lovely. I can't wait. but cutting, filing, scraping, cleaning and then creating the etching paper for 24 crayons is a lot of work.  Hours and Hours of prep time.  But soon I will have the crayons, then after I come back from cali I will have the box and 1 project will be done! Saturday I begin the actual money chair.  That is also really exciting.  Moving out of the prototyping stage is really exciting.  But I can't even think of all the work still awaiting me.  

And there are some crazy new projects in the mental works, so anxiously await those. I can't believe it is tuesday or rather wednesday now.  But i feel like its friday.  Work is crazy, the hop always has something going on.  And then me trying to get my personal work done, why I came here can be so hard.  So trying to balance is a game I play everyday and let me tell you it isn't an easy one.  But thankfully after January 13th things will settle down and I can just wait in agony for my small envelope from Stanford with the lovely header paper saying I am sorry Miss Lopez you can't add or multiply for your life and you make crazy things, you should try clown school instead of graduate studies at Stanford.  But then again I could get the big envelope, that would be pretty great.

on a side note my mother just called me at 1:45 in the morning b/c she wanted to see if I would pick up at this hour. Since I hadn't returned her calls for the day.  She is really intense. I try to explain that I call every opportunity I get, and sometimes I am very busy.  She doesn't believe me.

So I am having an issue.  Currently my hair is doing the really long and mexican thing.  All i need is some rainbow ribbons braided through it and I could be Frida's love child.  I think it might be wise to get my hair cut before I go to California.  Sorta like a marker for the new step in my life and maybe so I look less like a hot mess. But how do I cut it? All i do with it is put it up b/c I play with fire a fair amount.  Bangs, are those to Katie homes last year.  I can't even tell you what is going on in fashion right now b/c i haven't seen a magazine or watched tv in over a month.  But even with that lack of communication I still know the mexican braid look is not a good one.  Any comments would be great!

So I think my work lover doesn't love me, and let me tell you why. He came over to my area today with the other design people and didn't say a word to me.  Not a one. Didn't even allow himself to make eye contact with me.  Maybe he got freaked out by my large "i love you" smile.  or maybe he saw my reflection in a window of me mouthing as I pass him every time "why can't you just marry me" or maybe he just thinks I talk too much for my own good and making eye contact will mean conversation.  Who knows, but there was avoidance today, which is sad for sure. But I am just going to throw myself into my crayons and look towards a better day.

And that better day surely won't be tomorrow when I get up in 6 hours and want to hang myself for staying up past 1.  And now that I failed to find something to attach to the tail end of my entry I am going to head off to bed.  Talk to you all soon!


Craig said...

Seems that I still have biking on the mind. But, if you have a leak in the bed, if you can find the hole, drop by a bike store and ask for a patch kit. They are small rubber cutouts that you glue over a hole in a bike tube to stop the leak and keep on biking. That might do the trick if it's a pretty small one. And if it doesn't work, they're cheap so you've only thrown a few bucks at it.

A said...

im still holding out hope for work lover man, could just be an off day... perhaps he was intimidated because he had a recent realization of your radiance. all im saying is you never know...

L said...

i agree with anna! (and craig re: the patch kit, go to omar and bobs!)

he definitely has just not realized his true feelings, (and i'm still keeping my fingers crossed for a future post re: a certain engineer)

also, i will call you asap to discuss stanford--do you still need housing?

do not stress, you will wow both stanford and work guy with your brilliance and radiance

D said...

i think j cant FIND the leak and thats the problem, i know that girls got duct tape in her life so i think if she found the bugger shed be all over it.
i want to say that this might be the fucking most hilarious post ive ever read. j called me last night and talked to me for about an hour at the same pace that im sure you all heard this post being written. TOP SPEED. its total stream of conscious and i think its a product of running on fumes as she is, which can produce hyperactivity. holy shit J, were all so proud of you with your crayon set and your money chair, not to mention two jobs and the third part time job of wooing various men, i mean really i wish i had half your energy. fuck radiant, youre on fire. like actually maybe on fire. and speaking of fire, i do think your hair has to be practical (i was DYING when i read about your mexican hair) but i think bangs might be a reat look, actually. i cant believe im saying that. but theyd be fun and theyll grow out and youll look all stanford arty if you get them!