Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I should be a professional yeller

Hi everyone,

This is the first moment I have to sit down and type tonight.  And I am still at work, and by work I mean I am sitting in Novack currently supervising Arts Ambassadors.  And I have been doing the work, and again by work I mean yelling at students as they walk down the stairs and say "YOU, you, the one in the sweatshirt, I know you want free stuff, come here!" then I convince them to take a 10 minute survey which keeps taking students 20 minutes.  I think they are just dumb. And you know what? I am damn good at this.  I guess it is practically a salesman.  But if only I could apply such techniques to selling my own jewelry.

Aw, one of my little Ambassadors just scammed someone into almost taking the survey.  She is so close, yet so far from being at my skill level to convince strangers into doing something they have no desire to do. 

I just wanted to say how much fun I had with the girls this weekend, I would sleep 3 to a bed any night to have you guys.  And for those of you who weren't there, we missed you too and would have dropped some cake onto the floor in memory if it weren't for the fact that cake is currency in my world, & no one can afford to be that luxurious. 

So ladies big news, as in BIG news.  I spoke to my work lover about not work today, & & he even came over to my desk. Ok he was going to talk to another co-worker who wasn't there, but I think that was just a cover.  I think he loves me, or rather is growing to love me.  I have a lot of faith that there could be redheaded babies in my future.  This dream could very well become reality, Mexican redheaded children, I can see the day.

Ok I need to go back to my children, arts ambassadors I can't tell the difference, but until I have more than 2 minutes of down time I will write.  Probably tomorrow.  

1 comment:

L said...

yes it is definitely a sign of love.

keep up the yelling!
(or maybe lure them in with cake?)