I don't know even know where to begin... I guess I'll start with a bare bones summary of my life these past few weeks. On Sept. 26th I left for China. As many of you know while there I found out that my grandfather had passed, so as soon as I came back to the states I had to hop on a plane to Fort Collins, CO for his funeral. Then I flew back to LA, had enough time to do laundry and throw it back into my suitcase before I dragged myself on yet another plane bound for Cleveland, OH to visit Dan (including going with him to his mom's wedding). Almost a month later, I am now back home in Los Angeles, CA and I don't know quite what to do with myself. It has been a bit of whirlwind.
Today I thought of you guys quite a bit, it sounds like you all are doing great things in your respective lives. I watched Emperor's New Groove, pure genius and in keeping with L's great post about Beauty and the Beast, and had some good Indian food (I ordered some mushroom mattar in your memory J!) and of course I read all of your lovely postings. I have to say that after reading about the mini reunion in Hanover I am so happy for you guys, filled with my own warm memories and INSANELY jealous. At one point in China, we were stuck in traffic in Beijing and I was struck by the realization that there will be no more chance meetings in collis or the hop with one of you. It just hit home how much I miss you guys in my daily life. When I found out about Far Far I would have given anything to be able to craw into bed with you guys for cuddles and scratchies. The people we traveled with were wonderful and so supportive and kind, but they still weren't my best friends. Jealously aside, the vast majority of me is happy that you guys had the time together. Plus, it tickles me that both J and D are at Dartmouth as recent alums when I distinctly remember declarations from them both to never be "that alum." Hehe.
Just be warned that when I finally do see any of you in person, expect this:

more updates to come later, I thought it best to break them up into digestible chunks.
THANKGOD for A and this kind of picture which makes me almost spit out my soup its so ridiculous and wonderful and so perfectly typical. glad to know youre not kidnapped A. We majorly missed you.
so excited you're back!
you have no idea how much you have been missed.
and love love the photo
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