homecoming happened.
im not going to lie my stomach was doing flips as i drove across the bridge and up to campus.
I wasnt ready to face the collision of memories and reality. And it was definitely disconcerting and sad at times, realizing the entirely unique lifestyle we had and have lost, remembering the person i was able to be during that time, in that place, that maybe i've lost the ability to be in the 'real' world...
but somehow, in the 40 hours i was on campus, a cocoon of people i love formed around me buffering the memories as they hit me over the head.
and somehow I avoided pretty much all the people i didn't care to see (except whoreface, but we all know i get a big kick out of seeing and then scaring the crap out of her)
while i might not have a job or even a solid idea of what kind of job i want, and that might make me question what exactly my studies at dartmouth have done for me, I drove away from campus today remembering that whatever else i might have been doing at Dartmouth, i spent time making unbelievable relationships that are not going anywhere.
I would like to take a moment to comment on the generosity of J's spirit. Its something L and I were pausing to ponder this morning as we stepped out of her shower, wrapped in her hot clean towels, having washed our hair with her giant shampoo and conditioner, our bellies full of her food, all of this long after shed run off to work leaving us to lounge in her bed, which we all impossibly and wonderfully shared. She gives and she gives and if she doesnt have it she gets it just so she can give it and theres no sense that shes keeping any kind of tab on the giving that would require anything in return, its simply because she was not raised by wolves or crack whores and she knows about true quiet hospitality, and i just think its worth a slow clap about. maybe even a slow snap since its coming from me and L. :)
yes, L and J and I did homecoming our way, which is to say, that the following quote: "and then he'd just slapped me on the ass with a pizzabox!?" overheard by L is as close to the frat scene as we got. Instead of drinking our stinking heads off the way the other 300 08 alumns who made it back to campus did, we ate our favorite foods, drank our favorite drinks (dirt cowboy chai, hot choc, thayer coffee mixture (YESSS)) went for walks around occum, had some horseshow time, stared open mouthed at what has to be the most breathtaking leaf color show hanover has ever put on and then piled into bed and laughed our asses off about things i cant even remember.
its so late and i had to practically take my grandmother computer apart to fix her internet so its a miracle this things even functioning at all as i'm no tim the toolman, but by god thats the kind of dedication i have to posting on our blog.
if you weren't at homecoming you were missed, you were also talked about, extensively, so in that way, you were there.
if you were there in body, i hope you can remember some of the great lines because i want them written down for posterity and im too tired to remember them, maybe because L stole all the covers last night and woke us up at the crack of dawn and then stepped on my head. oh wait, sorry. that was me. heh.
so much love to you girls.
ALSO: i came across this magazine in the back of a hybrid taxi and its become my new obsession. I keep saying its so GOOD and then feeling like an ass because then name of the damn magazine is "Good" but seriously... check it out. it contains all the ingredients of a perfect magazine.
d, your post makes it sound like we spent our time at j's showering together, which is not true, but we DID however manage to somewhat freak out j's roommate sven,from germany, who seemed very bewildered about these american girls who just kept piling out of j's room, he seemed happier though once he had some of the cake j and i baked (insert delta joke here)....also, it was not i who stole the covers as it was i that continually fell off the air mattress onto the floor
thats all
(I am an idiot and accidently posted a comment and D, ignore that)
This is totally not fair, I am reading this post and L's comments at work trying so hard not to burst into laughter. My co-workers must think I am an idiot laughing to myself at my desk. An obvious sign that I am not doing what I am supposed to. I just needed a little break. Especially since I had such a wonderful time this weekend, coming to work today was just so sad. I wish I could have you guys over all the time and freak my roommates out everyday, but alas it is not possible. You two were so great, and lets not forget Craig, he also was my houseguest, and so much fun
I KNOW i keep thinking about our time together and this warmth washes over me. and no im not remembering our joint shower, L, dont deny it. hahah thats pretty funny though really.
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