so the lease is not yet signed (will be tomorrow) but it looks like I AM MOVING TO BOSTON wooo! and living with d! another wooo!! no job yet, but that is okay i will search search search and hopefully be more successful once i am local and in the meantime get a banana republic/starbucks/waitressing job.....wooo? but really i am so excited! a little bit terrified but mostly so excited to have some sort of direction/plan, i think i am going to apply for law school for next year, and then if/hopefully when i get a great job i can defer a year if i so wish. all very overwhelming! other than that i am spending the evening avoiding the manges of children flocking to the front door--candy makes them especially sticky. (and yes, i know "manges" is not a real word, but doesn't it sound like it should apply to large groups of children?) a certain 4 year old "b" has already come by....she was a pumpkin....all she said was "in" while she pointed to a plastic pumpkin....charming
and then i'm going to a DU hockey game, which will hopefully be child-free (fingers crossed)....anyways i know thats a super super short update but i wanted to let you all know the big news!!
also, although i searched and searched my itunes for either a "boston" or "moving" or "apartment" related song i couldn't find something quite appropriate, but i knew how dissapointed you all would be without a weekly musical clip, yes? yes? so i decided to just post one of my favs, not really related to things going on, but ridiculous and fun nonetheless. its from legally blonde the musical, and it was actually subbed out for another song pre-broadway but i just love it....this is when elle has arrived at harvard to discover warner dating someone else! gasp! and so her loyal delta nu sorority sisters show up to help her out.... i particularly love the line "hey warner please! slam on the brakes!/hey warner please! her pearls are FAKE!"....very delta-y, sorry i know the quality is iffy, but watch!
Friday, October 31, 2008
First Post
Consider me the +1 on this blog. I'm that person that the party that belongs but at the same time doesn't--just take a look on the sidebar and how I'm listed as "Craig" as opposed to a single letter, but that's more a result of other blogs that I've held. Did I mention that I biked across the country this summer? Oh I didn't, check out my blog from the summer.
I digress. And shamelessly self promote.
I've been called up from the reserves (or I guess in the blogosphere, the active comment poster) to the big time, actual posting on the actual blog. Now, I was a little hesitant, but flattered to be asked, to be posting because frankly, I didn't know what the heck I would say. I didn't want the expectation of anything. So, I'm hoping that the standard can be set so low for me that just a few words posted will seem like a success. These are the aspirations I am looking to.
We'll see how it goes.
I digress. And shamelessly self promote.
I've been called up from the reserves (or I guess in the blogosphere, the active comment poster) to the big time, actual posting on the actual blog. Now, I was a little hesitant, but flattered to be asked, to be posting because frankly, I didn't know what the heck I would say. I didn't want the expectation of anything. So, I'm hoping that the standard can be set so low for me that just a few words posted will seem like a success. These are the aspirations I am looking to.
We'll see how it goes.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
To echo j's sentiment, holy crap it's wednesday
When did it get to be wednesday? Is it just me or are the days flying by? It's almost November! I just saw my first christmas commercial today and as much as I love christmas and can't wait for it, that is too early Overstock. com, way too early. Halloween hasn't even happened yet and thanksgiving seriously gets the short end of the stick. I feel for thanksgiving.
Continuing along the holiday spirit, I went with Mom and Mike today to pick out pumpkins for our house and last night I went to a pumpkin carving party, which was awesome! I made friends, it was nice. I am also planning to make a small halloween/fall themed dinner on friday and actually try and execute those Martha Stewart Living ideas I always dogear and think how cool that would be. Wish me luck.
So I've worked up a bit of a political rant/ramble, just thought I'd give a warning on where I was going...I watched Obama's special (im not sure what to call it) tonight with Mom and I got a little emotional. That is due in part to the bizarre and volatile mood(s) i've been in since i've been back, but mainly because it hit home how close we are to this election, to electing this man to the presidency and what it would mean if we did and what it would mean if we didn't. It is hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that McCain has a chance to be elected, but I that is because there are few to no policy positions where I find myself agreeing with the republican party and that fact is not assumed but constantly affirmed. However, I do understand that people have different stances than me, and so a choice that is obvious to me might not be the same for others. But after the last 8 years of the Bush presidency, the time the republicans held a majority in congress, the lies and hypocrisy of the McCain/Palin presidential campaign (not the the Obama campaign has been perfect), and after reading and hearing about the specific policy proposals of both candidates, I have to say I will be thoroughly disappointed in our country if Obama is not elected. Along with incredibly depressed and scared for our country's future. I will also be very upset if prop 8 (ca constitutional amendment to ban same sex marriage) and prop 4 (required parental consent for women under the age of 18 seeking an abortion, which as you know can really endanger girls with abusive parents, in cases of incest, etc) pass but that's CA specific. We are less than a week away from what I think will be a defining moment in our history and I am excited by the potential and scared by the possible outcomes. I'm sharing because this election has become part of my daily life, reading the LA times, listening to NPR, watching CNN with mom and mike, driving down the street and seeing the various signs, almost any conversation I have eventually turns to something about the election. And now the actual day is almost here. Crazy.
Here is some Daily Show goodness on McCain air quoting "women's health" (about half way through the video Sam B comes on and throws down):
Note: I know that not everyone agrees with me and although I do feel strongly I still welcome discussion about it (I realized that we have other readers who's political leanings I don't know). I don't mean to offend, only to share my feelings.
Moving on, I do have some noteworthy news though: I have decided to pursue graduate school! I will not give up my job/volunteer searching in the appropriate non-profit field, but my main objective is finding the information and applying. I am confidant I can do both, and if when the time comes to actually apply, if I am happy where I am job-wise I can post-pone applying or apply and defer. So I see this as the best option because it leaves me open to go both ways (down Murray). The program I want is a Gender Studies PhD program at the University of Sydney. As of now I am thinking I will apply by April for their 2nd semester that starts in July (only problem is that if i get in and come home for breaks I won't have "summer" for a while, luckily I will be coming home to California winter which is practically summer anyway). If I am not accepted I think that puts me in a good place to regroup and look at other programs/options. It is scary (especially the whole apply with your dissertation proposal part) and exciting. After researching to death my options and some soul searching, I know this is right, this is the path I want to go down. And if it doesn't work out, I'll go from there, but I have a plan and i feel good about it. yay! I don't know much yet, but i will keep you updated as I do. eee!
And after reading your posts I just want to say to you guys that I love you all and please don't stress yourselves to death. That would make me sad. Very very sad.
Sending you all warm fuzzy thoughts as you conquer your challenges. Just imagine this and some Anna scratchies:
Continuing along the holiday spirit, I went with Mom and Mike today to pick out pumpkins for our house and last night I went to a pumpkin carving party, which was awesome! I made friends, it was nice. I am also planning to make a small halloween/fall themed dinner on friday and actually try and execute those Martha Stewart Living ideas I always dogear and think how cool that would be. Wish me luck.
So I've worked up a bit of a political rant/ramble, just thought I'd give a warning on where I was going...I watched Obama's special (im not sure what to call it) tonight with Mom and I got a little emotional. That is due in part to the bizarre and volatile mood(s) i've been in since i've been back, but mainly because it hit home how close we are to this election, to electing this man to the presidency and what it would mean if we did and what it would mean if we didn't. It is hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that McCain has a chance to be elected, but I that is because there are few to no policy positions where I find myself agreeing with the republican party and that fact is not assumed but constantly affirmed. However, I do understand that people have different stances than me, and so a choice that is obvious to me might not be the same for others. But after the last 8 years of the Bush presidency, the time the republicans held a majority in congress, the lies and hypocrisy of the McCain/Palin presidential campaign (not the the Obama campaign has been perfect), and after reading and hearing about the specific policy proposals of both candidates, I have to say I will be thoroughly disappointed in our country if Obama is not elected. Along with incredibly depressed and scared for our country's future. I will also be very upset if prop 8 (ca constitutional amendment to ban same sex marriage) and prop 4 (required parental consent for women under the age of 18 seeking an abortion, which as you know can really endanger girls with abusive parents, in cases of incest, etc) pass but that's CA specific. We are less than a week away from what I think will be a defining moment in our history and I am excited by the potential and scared by the possible outcomes. I'm sharing because this election has become part of my daily life, reading the LA times, listening to NPR, watching CNN with mom and mike, driving down the street and seeing the various signs, almost any conversation I have eventually turns to something about the election. And now the actual day is almost here. Crazy.
Here is some Daily Show goodness on McCain air quoting "women's health" (about half way through the video Sam B comes on and throws down):
Note: I know that not everyone agrees with me and although I do feel strongly I still welcome discussion about it (I realized that we have other readers who's political leanings I don't know). I don't mean to offend, only to share my feelings.
Moving on, I do have some noteworthy news though: I have decided to pursue graduate school! I will not give up my job/volunteer searching in the appropriate non-profit field, but my main objective is finding the information and applying. I am confidant I can do both, and if when the time comes to actually apply, if I am happy where I am job-wise I can post-pone applying or apply and defer. So I see this as the best option because it leaves me open to go both ways (down Murray). The program I want is a Gender Studies PhD program at the University of Sydney. As of now I am thinking I will apply by April for their 2nd semester that starts in July (only problem is that if i get in and come home for breaks I won't have "summer" for a while, luckily I will be coming home to California winter which is practically summer anyway). If I am not accepted I think that puts me in a good place to regroup and look at other programs/options. It is scary (especially the whole apply with your dissertation proposal part) and exciting. After researching to death my options and some soul searching, I know this is right, this is the path I want to go down. And if it doesn't work out, I'll go from there, but I have a plan and i feel good about it. yay! I don't know much yet, but i will keep you updated as I do. eee!
And after reading your posts I just want to say to you guys that I love you all and please don't stress yourselves to death. That would make me sad. Very very sad.
Sending you all warm fuzzy thoughts as you conquer your challenges. Just imagine this and some Anna scratchies:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
how the hell is it only tuesday? holy crap it's tuesday
Hi Ladies, & Craig,
I did not forget you all, in fact I have been thinking about this posting all day, but have been working all day and now have just made it home and am sitting in my half deflated air mattress that by the time i wake up in 6 hours will but be plastic under my foam cover. The slow leak i mentioned before has become medium sized leak and I think I am going to have to replace this bed, which is so sad. We have bonded so much, i grew to like the fact that i could move my bed with just a push of my foot. Maybe that is why it developed a leak but eh.
Ok so more on things that aren't my leaky bed. I leave for Cali on monday! woohoo. But that just means I have 4 days to pull together a small working portfolio which will be carried in my bag at all times when I walk around and meet people. I have set up most of my appointments, but I still haven't figured out where I am sleeping or just laying down during the night hours to allow my mind to race. But all those little details don't matter because I will be in California with skateboarders and designers. Throw a redheaded engineer in there and I think that would be considered paradise.
So the main reason I worked so late tonight was because by tomorrow evening I am going to have a set of 24 silver crayon sleeves. They are going to be beautiful and so lovely. I can't wait. but cutting, filing, scraping, cleaning and then creating the etching paper for 24 crayons is a lot of work. Hours and Hours of prep time. But soon I will have the crayons, then after I come back from cali I will have the box and 1 project will be done! Saturday I begin the actual money chair. That is also really exciting. Moving out of the prototyping stage is really exciting. But I can't even think of all the work still awaiting me.
And there are some crazy new projects in the mental works, so anxiously await those. I can't believe it is tuesday or rather wednesday now. But i feel like its friday. Work is crazy, the hop always has something going on. And then me trying to get my personal work done, why I came here can be so hard. So trying to balance is a game I play everyday and let me tell you it isn't an easy one. But thankfully after January 13th things will settle down and I can just wait in agony for my small envelope from Stanford with the lovely header paper saying I am sorry Miss Lopez you can't add or multiply for your life and you make crazy things, you should try clown school instead of graduate studies at Stanford. But then again I could get the big envelope, that would be pretty great.
on a side note my mother just called me at 1:45 in the morning b/c she wanted to see if I would pick up at this hour. Since I hadn't returned her calls for the day. She is really intense. I try to explain that I call every opportunity I get, and sometimes I am very busy. She doesn't believe me.
So I am having an issue. Currently my hair is doing the really long and mexican thing. All i need is some rainbow ribbons braided through it and I could be Frida's love child. I think it might be wise to get my hair cut before I go to California. Sorta like a marker for the new step in my life and maybe so I look less like a hot mess. But how do I cut it? All i do with it is put it up b/c I play with fire a fair amount. Bangs, are those to Katie homes last year. I can't even tell you what is going on in fashion right now b/c i haven't seen a magazine or watched tv in over a month. But even with that lack of communication I still know the mexican braid look is not a good one. Any comments would be great!
So I think my work lover doesn't love me, and let me tell you why. He came over to my area today with the other design people and didn't say a word to me. Not a one. Didn't even allow himself to make eye contact with me. Maybe he got freaked out by my large "i love you" smile. or maybe he saw my reflection in a window of me mouthing as I pass him every time "why can't you just marry me" or maybe he just thinks I talk too much for my own good and making eye contact will mean conversation. Who knows, but there was avoidance today, which is sad for sure. But I am just going to throw myself into my crayons and look towards a better day.
And that better day surely won't be tomorrow when I get up in 6 hours and want to hang myself for staying up past 1. And now that I failed to find something to attach to the tail end of my entry I am going to head off to bed. Talk to you all soon!
Monday, October 27, 2008
sometimes, when i get nervous, i feel like im going to shit my pants.
well holy uncontrollable crap, i dont know if its just that since i graduated i basically eliminated deadlines from my life and the only stressful situations in my day involved containing my rage around tight faced puffy lipped cougars throwing crumpled cashmere sweaters at my face OR if its that this actually is the most utterly insane panic attack inducing period of my life.
i got a job. i accepted that job.
you four know that.
but i figured i should state it explicitly for our huge readership.
and now i am trying to align my schedule with my angel of a friend B's schedule who will be joining me (holding my hand) on a 36 hour journey to boston in which i must coordinate two brokers five individual room renters two extremely generous people giving us places to stay parking for barbara (the car) about 12 metro stops five different busses and somehow out of that mess, come away on thursday with a place to stay because i realistically need to be moving within the next two weeks.
im looking at places with three guys in their twenties in the center of boston, im looking at places with one girl in her thirties in the suburbs, i'm looking at an old victorian house somewhere totally out of my way just because the girl who would be my roomie seems wonderful, im looking at one bedroom apartments, im looking at studios in areas i just found out id have to be insane to live without a bullet proof vest, in otherwords, im looking at the most stressful two days of my life because i made teh appointments with no regard to where they were on a map and now realize that i will be zigging and zagging like a drunken horse all over the damn city on a metro system that makes no sense to me and busses that seem to run every 20 minutes which is enough to kill my day since i brilliantly booked things half an hour apart. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? i couldnt have made this harder for myself. i dont deserve a job in communications because i'm clearly the most illogical, scatterbrained, easily flustered person known to MAN.
ooh. am i allowed to swear on this site? i suddenly got all self conscious. well its not like our mothers are reading this. ah well. FUCK IT.
Can i just pass on one of my favorite stories from these past few days? i got to the point wher ei was feeling really good about this group of girls who had a room free in a nice house. we were talking on gmail, one of them facebooked me, she seemed pretty down to earth and i liked where the place was... so im talking to her on the phone and were about settled on a time to meet and she goes:
"oh, i figure i should let you know about this one thing... we really dont like the smell of food..."
um, im sorry, what?
"you know, cooking and stuff. we dont use the kitchen because it makes the whole place stink. so if youre one of those people who likes to like cook a lot of food and stuff, that might not work out."
after that i called a broker and started looking into one bedroom options.
one of the main reasons i see to do that, despite teh loneliness factor, is that if and when you ALL COME TO STAY WITH ME, you could stay for endless periods of time living in my living room/corner of my studio and i wouldnt have to answer to anyone about it...
keep it in mind.
and keep me in your prayers this week. if you read a story about a girls head exploding in Harvard square, i hereby bequest my monday spot to B.
love to you all
ps. check out (click on) this CHEEKY LITTLE T map i found online when i was searching for a printable version... it was only after ten minutes of searching for a stop that i realized the damn things all ANAGRAMS... which is why i couldnt find the boston college stop because it was listed as BOOTLEG CLONES. WHAT FUCKER THOUGHT THIS UP? DOES HE NOT REALIZE I DONT HAVE TIME FOR HIS SHENNANIGANS??

i got a job. i accepted that job.
you four know that.
but i figured i should state it explicitly for our huge readership.
and now i am trying to align my schedule with my angel of a friend B's schedule who will be joining me (holding my hand) on a 36 hour journey to boston in which i must coordinate two brokers five individual room renters two extremely generous people giving us places to stay parking for barbara (the car) about 12 metro stops five different busses and somehow out of that mess, come away on thursday with a place to stay because i realistically need to be moving within the next two weeks.
im looking at places with three guys in their twenties in the center of boston, im looking at places with one girl in her thirties in the suburbs, i'm looking at an old victorian house somewhere totally out of my way just because the girl who would be my roomie seems wonderful, im looking at one bedroom apartments, im looking at studios in areas i just found out id have to be insane to live without a bullet proof vest, in otherwords, im looking at the most stressful two days of my life because i made teh appointments with no regard to where they were on a map and now realize that i will be zigging and zagging like a drunken horse all over the damn city on a metro system that makes no sense to me and busses that seem to run every 20 minutes which is enough to kill my day since i brilliantly booked things half an hour apart. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? i couldnt have made this harder for myself. i dont deserve a job in communications because i'm clearly the most illogical, scatterbrained, easily flustered person known to MAN.
ooh. am i allowed to swear on this site? i suddenly got all self conscious. well its not like our mothers are reading this. ah well. FUCK IT.
Can i just pass on one of my favorite stories from these past few days? i got to the point wher ei was feeling really good about this group of girls who had a room free in a nice house. we were talking on gmail, one of them facebooked me, she seemed pretty down to earth and i liked where the place was... so im talking to her on the phone and were about settled on a time to meet and she goes:
"oh, i figure i should let you know about this one thing... we really dont like the smell of food..."
um, im sorry, what?
"you know, cooking and stuff. we dont use the kitchen because it makes the whole place stink. so if youre one of those people who likes to like cook a lot of food and stuff, that might not work out."
after that i called a broker and started looking into one bedroom options.
one of the main reasons i see to do that, despite teh loneliness factor, is that if and when you ALL COME TO STAY WITH ME, you could stay for endless periods of time living in my living room/corner of my studio and i wouldnt have to answer to anyone about it...
keep it in mind.
and keep me in your prayers this week. if you read a story about a girls head exploding in Harvard square, i hereby bequest my monday spot to B.
love to you all
ps. check out (click on) this CHEEKY LITTLE T map i found online when i was searching for a printable version... it was only after ten minutes of searching for a stop that i realized the damn things all ANAGRAMS... which is why i couldnt find the boston college stop because it was listed as BOOTLEG CLONES. WHAT FUCKER THOUGHT THIS UP? DOES HE NOT REALIZE I DONT HAVE TIME FOR HIS SHENNANIGANS??

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Weekend Video Bonus Post!
So I decided to do some extra weekend posting to make up for my previous extended leave of absence. Here are some awesome videos I found along the way, because really what is the internet for if it's not for watching random amusing/interesting videos?
First, a little Rachel Maddow action. A little bit of my frustration at the way the republicans are trying coop feminist language to push a ticket with some of the most unfeminist policies out there:
Going along with the political theme, the next video is pretty amazing. This is how the debates should have been done:
And of course I had to share the newest Target Women. So good!:

No post from me would not be complete without something from! Now this is a solution I can get behind:
good to be back!
First, a little Rachel Maddow action. A little bit of my frustration at the way the republicans are trying coop feminist language to push a ticket with some of the most unfeminist policies out there:
Going along with the political theme, the next video is pretty amazing. This is how the debates should have been done:
And of course I had to share the newest Target Women. So good!:
No post from me would not be complete without something from! Now this is a solution I can get behind:
See more Natalie Portman videos at Funny or Die
good to be back!
Friday, October 24, 2008
homecomings and musical musings
i am finally home after my tour of the east coast, i still can't believe the last 2 weeks, it was so so so wonderful to see everyone, and everyone was just so generous with their various, couches, beds, towels, homes etc. and seeing everyone settling into new jobs, new apartments etc. was very inspiring/motivating (i sent out approx. a ZILLION job applications today), it is a little weird to be home, but barrett came over and brought me a carved pumpkin today so perhaps things are turning around!
wednesday night i went with my mom to see the touring production of "The Drowsy Chaperone", a show i had actually seen in NYC a year and a half ago, and that i had somewhat forgotten about, or at least forgotten how much i just LOVE it. its about a man who loves his 1920s musicals, particularly his favorite show, "the drowsy chaperone", which embodies basically every musical cliche there is, and then he proceeds to play the record and describe it and then it comes to life in his apartment. the fantastic part about the show is his commentary throughout the whole thing, like "ugh, i just hate this scene" or "the melody is beautiful, but try and ignore the lyrics"....the whole show starts out, when the lights go down and you're waiting for the overture, and you just hear him saying how whenever he's in the theater he utters a little prayer before the show "please god let it be good....and not too long, and PLEASE don't let the actors come into the audience, i didn't pay $100 to have them break the 4th wall", he them says how wonderful it must have been in the 30s when you could sit down and wonder "what does cole porter or gershwin have in store for me tonight? now it's just 'elton john, must we continue this charade?"
sorry, i do realize i'm rambling about a random show which most of you don't care about, but i will end this post with a segue to a more current the drowsy chaperone the man comments, a bit sadly, that "in musicals everything always works out. in the real world nothing ever works out, and the only people which burst into song are the hopelessly deranged" while i don't necessarily agree, i do think that perhaps in the case of the following clip it does apply...this movie looks like (at least according to the trailer) possibly the most ridiculous thing ever, mainly because NO ONE in the cast seems to acknowledge that what they are doing is in fact RIDICULOUS. i particularly like the part where the basketball game pauses for a dramatic ballad....also the fact that it is described as "the musical experience of a generation" good god.
(i'm clearly going to see this tonight, although NOT as d assumed earlier by my sad lonesome self, but rather with a friend from high school.....whom i may or may not have told we were seeing something else, and then given her the times for HSM....)
wednesday night i went with my mom to see the touring production of "The Drowsy Chaperone", a show i had actually seen in NYC a year and a half ago, and that i had somewhat forgotten about, or at least forgotten how much i just LOVE it. its about a man who loves his 1920s musicals, particularly his favorite show, "the drowsy chaperone", which embodies basically every musical cliche there is, and then he proceeds to play the record and describe it and then it comes to life in his apartment. the fantastic part about the show is his commentary throughout the whole thing, like "ugh, i just hate this scene" or "the melody is beautiful, but try and ignore the lyrics"....the whole show starts out, when the lights go down and you're waiting for the overture, and you just hear him saying how whenever he's in the theater he utters a little prayer before the show "please god let it be good....and not too long, and PLEASE don't let the actors come into the audience, i didn't pay $100 to have them break the 4th wall", he them says how wonderful it must have been in the 30s when you could sit down and wonder "what does cole porter or gershwin have in store for me tonight? now it's just 'elton john, must we continue this charade?"
sorry, i do realize i'm rambling about a random show which most of you don't care about, but i will end this post with a segue to a more current the drowsy chaperone the man comments, a bit sadly, that "in musicals everything always works out. in the real world nothing ever works out, and the only people which burst into song are the hopelessly deranged" while i don't necessarily agree, i do think that perhaps in the case of the following clip it does apply...this movie looks like (at least according to the trailer) possibly the most ridiculous thing ever, mainly because NO ONE in the cast seems to acknowledge that what they are doing is in fact RIDICULOUS. i particularly like the part where the basketball game pauses for a dramatic ballad....also the fact that it is described as "the musical experience of a generation" good god.
(i'm clearly going to see this tonight, although NOT as d assumed earlier by my sad lonesome self, but rather with a friend from high school.....whom i may or may not have told we were seeing something else, and then given her the times for HSM....)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
AHA I have internet! Glorious Glorious internet!
It seems that I have won a small battle against my wireless and have succeeded in at least being able to attempt posting, my wireless and I have not been getting along since I've been back (which is why I was not able to return to our blog on my specified day). On that note, hey I'm back!
I don't know even know where to begin... I guess I'll start with a bare bones summary of my life these past few weeks. On Sept. 26th I left for China. As many of you know while there I found out that my grandfather had passed, so as soon as I came back to the states I had to hop on a plane to Fort Collins, CO for his funeral. Then I flew back to LA, had enough time to do laundry and throw it back into my suitcase before I dragged myself on yet another plane bound for Cleveland, OH to visit Dan (including going with him to his mom's wedding). Almost a month later, I am now back home in Los Angeles, CA and I don't know quite what to do with myself. It has been a bit of whirlwind.
Today I thought of you guys quite a bit, it sounds like you all are doing great things in your respective lives. I watched Emperor's New Groove, pure genius and in keeping with L's great post about Beauty and the Beast, and had some good Indian food (I ordered some mushroom mattar in your memory J!) and of course I read all of your lovely postings. I have to say that after reading about the mini reunion in Hanover I am so happy for you guys, filled with my own warm memories and INSANELY jealous. At one point in China, we were stuck in traffic in Beijing and I was struck by the realization that there will be no more chance meetings in collis or the hop with one of you. It just hit home how much I miss you guys in my daily life. When I found out about Far Far I would have given anything to be able to craw into bed with you guys for cuddles and scratchies. The people we traveled with were wonderful and so supportive and kind, but they still weren't my best friends. Jealously aside, the vast majority of me is happy that you guys had the time together. Plus, it tickles me that both J and D are at Dartmouth as recent alums when I distinctly remember declarations from them both to never be "that alum." Hehe.
Just be warned that when I finally do see any of you in person, expect this:

more updates to come later, I thought it best to break them up into digestible chunks.
I don't know even know where to begin... I guess I'll start with a bare bones summary of my life these past few weeks. On Sept. 26th I left for China. As many of you know while there I found out that my grandfather had passed, so as soon as I came back to the states I had to hop on a plane to Fort Collins, CO for his funeral. Then I flew back to LA, had enough time to do laundry and throw it back into my suitcase before I dragged myself on yet another plane bound for Cleveland, OH to visit Dan (including going with him to his mom's wedding). Almost a month later, I am now back home in Los Angeles, CA and I don't know quite what to do with myself. It has been a bit of whirlwind.
Today I thought of you guys quite a bit, it sounds like you all are doing great things in your respective lives. I watched Emperor's New Groove, pure genius and in keeping with L's great post about Beauty and the Beast, and had some good Indian food (I ordered some mushroom mattar in your memory J!) and of course I read all of your lovely postings. I have to say that after reading about the mini reunion in Hanover I am so happy for you guys, filled with my own warm memories and INSANELY jealous. At one point in China, we were stuck in traffic in Beijing and I was struck by the realization that there will be no more chance meetings in collis or the hop with one of you. It just hit home how much I miss you guys in my daily life. When I found out about Far Far I would have given anything to be able to craw into bed with you guys for cuddles and scratchies. The people we traveled with were wonderful and so supportive and kind, but they still weren't my best friends. Jealously aside, the vast majority of me is happy that you guys had the time together. Plus, it tickles me that both J and D are at Dartmouth as recent alums when I distinctly remember declarations from them both to never be "that alum." Hehe.
Just be warned that when I finally do see any of you in person, expect this:

more updates to come later, I thought it best to break them up into digestible chunks.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
i know its not my day
but i just HAD to relate this gem of a quote--barrett and i were watching "beauty and the beast"this afternoon (my choice, not hers, clearly), and i hadn't really watched it in a very long time, and definitely hadn't remembered some of the zingers that the disney writers apparently snuck in...for example, when the beast asks the clock for advice on how to get belle to like him, the clock replies with "well, you could give her the usual: flowers, chocolate...promises you don't intend to keep"
wow. i sense a touch of bitterness from one of the staff writers.
oh disney, i love how there is always something new to discover!
wow. i sense a touch of bitterness from one of the staff writers.
oh disney, i love how there is always something new to discover!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I should be a professional yeller
Hi everyone,
This is the first moment I have to sit down and type tonight. And I am still at work, and by work I mean I am sitting in Novack currently supervising Arts Ambassadors. And I have been doing the work, and again by work I mean yelling at students as they walk down the stairs and say "YOU, you, the one in the sweatshirt, I know you want free stuff, come here!" then I convince them to take a 10 minute survey which keeps taking students 20 minutes. I think they are just dumb. And you know what? I am damn good at this. I guess it is practically a salesman. But if only I could apply such techniques to selling my own jewelry.
Aw, one of my little Ambassadors just scammed someone into almost taking the survey. She is so close, yet so far from being at my skill level to convince strangers into doing something they have no desire to do.
I just wanted to say how much fun I had with the girls this weekend, I would sleep 3 to a bed any night to have you guys. And for those of you who weren't there, we missed you too and would have dropped some cake onto the floor in memory if it weren't for the fact that cake is currency in my world, & no one can afford to be that luxurious.
So ladies big news, as in BIG news. I spoke to my work lover about not work today, & & he even came over to my desk. Ok he was going to talk to another co-worker who wasn't there, but I think that was just a cover. I think he loves me, or rather is growing to love me. I have a lot of faith that there could be redheaded babies in my future. This dream could very well become reality, Mexican redheaded children, I can see the day.
Ok I need to go back to my children, arts ambassadors I can't tell the difference, but until I have more than 2 minutes of down time I will write. Probably tomorrow.
Monday, October 20, 2008

homecoming happened.
im not going to lie my stomach was doing flips as i drove across the bridge and up to campus.
I wasnt ready to face the collision of memories and reality. And it was definitely disconcerting and sad at times, realizing the entirely unique lifestyle we had and have lost, remembering the person i was able to be during that time, in that place, that maybe i've lost the ability to be in the 'real' world...
but somehow, in the 40 hours i was on campus, a cocoon of people i love formed around me buffering the memories as they hit me over the head.
and somehow I avoided pretty much all the people i didn't care to see (except whoreface, but we all know i get a big kick out of seeing and then scaring the crap out of her)
while i might not have a job or even a solid idea of what kind of job i want, and that might make me question what exactly my studies at dartmouth have done for me, I drove away from campus today remembering that whatever else i might have been doing at Dartmouth, i spent time making unbelievable relationships that are not going anywhere.
I would like to take a moment to comment on the generosity of J's spirit. Its something L and I were pausing to ponder this morning as we stepped out of her shower, wrapped in her hot clean towels, having washed our hair with her giant shampoo and conditioner, our bellies full of her food, all of this long after shed run off to work leaving us to lounge in her bed, which we all impossibly and wonderfully shared. She gives and she gives and if she doesnt have it she gets it just so she can give it and theres no sense that shes keeping any kind of tab on the giving that would require anything in return, its simply because she was not raised by wolves or crack whores and she knows about true quiet hospitality, and i just think its worth a slow clap about. maybe even a slow snap since its coming from me and L. :)
yes, L and J and I did homecoming our way, which is to say, that the following quote: "and then he'd just slapped me on the ass with a pizzabox!?" overheard by L is as close to the frat scene as we got. Instead of drinking our stinking heads off the way the other 300 08 alumns who made it back to campus did, we ate our favorite foods, drank our favorite drinks (dirt cowboy chai, hot choc, thayer coffee mixture (YESSS)) went for walks around occum, had some horseshow time, stared open mouthed at what has to be the most breathtaking leaf color show hanover has ever put on and then piled into bed and laughed our asses off about things i cant even remember.
its so late and i had to practically take my grandmother computer apart to fix her internet so its a miracle this things even functioning at all as i'm no tim the toolman, but by god thats the kind of dedication i have to posting on our blog.
if you weren't at homecoming you were missed, you were also talked about, extensively, so in that way, you were there.
if you were there in body, i hope you can remember some of the great lines because i want them written down for posterity and im too tired to remember them, maybe because L stole all the covers last night and woke us up at the crack of dawn and then stepped on my head. oh wait, sorry. that was me. heh.
so much love to you girls.
ALSO: i came across this magazine in the back of a hybrid taxi and its become my new obsession. I keep saying its so GOOD and then feeling like an ass because then name of the damn magazine is "Good" but seriously... check it out. it contains all the ingredients of a perfect magazine.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
i know, i know, not my day. not even a week day. but you need to see this.
seriously. seriously? blind and gay look nothing alike.
also, note: im sitting in j's kitchen with lily and j fast asleep in the bed we all spooned in last night. why am i up?.
i got up at 8 thinking it was 11, bustled around, and then thinking they were just ignoring the time said in a huge loud voice: well i dont know about YOU but bagel basements sounding pretty good right now!" to which lily responded: "daisy, ugh. what the hell time is it? its 8, jesus." and rolled over. and j without moving: "kill her."
heh. heh. whups. damn that jet lag.
also, note: im sitting in j's kitchen with lily and j fast asleep in the bed we all spooned in last night. why am i up?.
i got up at 8 thinking it was 11, bustled around, and then thinking they were just ignoring the time said in a huge loud voice: well i dont know about YOU but bagel basements sounding pretty good right now!" to which lily responded: "daisy, ugh. what the hell time is it? its 8, jesus." and rolled over. and j without moving: "kill her."
heh. heh. whups. damn that jet lag.
and now im all hyped up from eating j's nesquick straigh tout of the box and watching this fascinating woodpecker on her porch. wooooo!
Friday, October 17, 2008
sorry for the super short post! i'm up in hanover but will write a proper update soon....j and i are eating frosting and watching betty. FANTASTIC
for now though, a clip from "in the heights" which i saw in NYC and which was phenomenal, the song they performed at the tony awards....again, sorry for the short update! (although i must say a little dissapointed by the lack of reaction to my michelle pfieffer bowling clip)
for now though, a clip from "in the heights" which i saw in NYC and which was phenomenal, the song they performed at the tony awards....again, sorry for the short update! (although i must say a little dissapointed by the lack of reaction to my michelle pfieffer bowling clip)
im home blogsters
ciao ragazze mie!
i know its not my day but ive got so much to saaaay and so much to share i'm bursting.
i just posted up a storm on my other blog- three in one day, is that even allowed?- and i cant resist saying hello to you girls after reading your fabulous posts.
erm... maybe next week we can all get back on track?
ive missed you.
i had a great time, so many experiences and pictures and stories that i hope to share with all of you. facebook will help. seeing some of you this weekend will help. time on the phone will help.
travelling is so full of leaaaarning.
even in the first two days i learned so much, such as:
shower bars are sharp once wrenched off the wall
one can loose a lot more blood than one might imagine, and still function
toes can regenerate. like the whole toe. it just grows back. eventually.
french taxistas dont like it when you insist they put on the meter from the airport as opposed to doing a "package price" i.e. ripping the shit off of me.
the only thing more terrifying than being at the mercy of a french taxi driver is being at the mercy of a pissed off french taxi driver.
dont go through a tent during fashion week in paris if you dont enjoy being scanned with x-ray judge-vision by approx 4357 fashionistas.
and so much more.
but the thing i learned the most is that after traveling for two weeks surrounded by strangers I long more than anything for my favorite familiar faces.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Prof Stalking, birthday cakes and primetime seats in Canoe
Hi ladies
So yesterday was my birthday, I am officially old. I am 22. No longer good old 21, the extension of the teen years in the twenties, but rather 22 as in almost at mid twenties, as in Adult. I had been dreading this day for the past 2 weeks, looking forward to the 14th more than the 13th b/c by the 14th the aging day would be over and I would have to just go into acceptance more than dwelling mode.
And since I really don't have any friends here except a handful of people and Jeff I figured I would spend the day like any other but buy myself all of the food I wanted, because well sadness can always be drowned in a large piece of cake and pizza.
All us Old School Alums remember when the Ben & Jerry's building just housed Ben & Jerry's along with the remnants of a Subway past. Alas no longer, instead now they house Gusanos, and until yesterday I ignored all voices inside screaming for Mexican Food. But I finally got paid and it was my goddamn birthday, and on my birthday I eat cake, pizza and mexican food. So I went there for lunch and my birthday started to turn around. So most of my food was bad, but 1 things was great, the tamal. And they were playing the music of my Mexican Lover; Luis Miguel. I was starting to have a good birthday. Then I made some kickass work for my portfolio, in short I have created the blingiest crayons possible. Images soon to follow. Then Jeff and I went out to dinner between shifts and went out for drinks after work at 9pm. And He made my birthday. It is amazing how nice and honest he is, and how much he really does have my best interests at heart. We stayed in Canoe Club for 3 hours seated at the high profile two person table at the window. The table every person on the street can see. Yup it looked like Jeff and I were on a big date, but I don't care b/c it was great.
Then today I was working at the Hop offices until 4:20 when I got an e-mail from Jeff saying the prof I have been stalking and subsequently being ignored by was in the woodshop. Yes I have been e-mailing a Prof and getting nothing in return. I almost gave up all hope until Jeff told me I needed to make kickass work and corner him in his office. My plan until 4:20 today when i ran from my desk to the woodshop and chatted with Dudley until this Prof couldn't help but recognize my face and wave at me. Then Jeff proceeded to kick me out of the woodshop office and tell me to go to the j-shop b/c we were having birthday cake and he was going to invite this prof to have my birthday cake. Another moment where we love Jeff. He managed to get us in the same room and celebrating my birthday nonetheless.
I blow out the candles and I look up and the Prof is gone! So I mutter to myself damn I need to cut some cake and run it over to the woodshop and try to convince this man not to hate me with birthday cake. And i cut 3 pieces, two for the woodshop guys and 1 for my prof, and I get in the woodshop and he is gone. I mutter to myself again and realize that chocolate cake can't even make this man want to talk to me so nothing will ever do it. And I proceed to bitch to Jeff then shove his piece of cake in my mouth as I talk to Dudley and by Miracle he comes back. My Prof comes back, and gives me a hug. We ignore the fact that he ignored me and I even got him to offer to help a little. I haven't gone in for the recommendation yet, I need to show him more great work, but I haven't given up hope yet. Communication has started and that is all that matters.
So I consider myself to be pretty lucky, and pretty lucky to have Jeff in my life b/c if not I would probably have gone around yesterday with no birthday cake and having no leads with my Prof.
And I am super excited this week because I am having company. Mainly from you guys and Craig our most active reader. Hey Craig! He is staying with me tomorrow and the following day, then I get Lily and Daisy, Woot! I am not going to lie if I weren't me I would be pretty jealous of me right now. except not jealous of the Prof Stalking, that could lead down a bad road involving H-po and restraining orders, but for sure jealous of the company.
Can't wait to have the whole crew writing again!
Friday, October 10, 2008
depth perception is SO overrated
Hello all! (and by that i think i mean j and craig)
I am writing my post from our nations capital, i'm visiting 'g' and then heading up the east coast for some more visiting/hopefully job interviewing. g and i have been monument/musuem hopping but now she has started this whole "job" thing that people speak of so i am on my own for cultural explorations. A little recap of my day yesterday:
I went to the Corcoran Museum first thing in the morning after leaving g at the office saw an AMAZING richard avedon exhibit (he was the first photographer on staff at the new yorker), amazing both because of the pieces and because it was basically empty besides me and a few of the over 50 set. Then i made my way across town to the air and space museum which was SWARMING with children on some school trip all running around with matching tshirts UGH. so i took refuge in an imax movie, unfortunately i didn't look too closely at the titles when selecting, instead opting for the next available show, which ended up being "3D Sun", which i realized as the handed me the 3D glasses at the some of you know i am not gifted with depth all. seriously. nothing. so while i enjoyed becoming more knowledgeable on our solar system's center, i feel the big appeal of the movie was perhaps lost on me. whenever people would gasp/duck at the satellite coming their way i would then realize that it was in fact, coming in my general direction....i finished my museum day at the national archives, to pay my respects to the constitution, one of my all-time favorite documents (i also got a postcard of it in the gift shop). i will say however that my love of it does NOT extend to needing a photo with it on both sides, again because of school groups (ugh children, so hefty and sticky) it took me forever to get in to the 'rotunda' to view it (an hour and a half!) and THEN the couple in front of me, wearing matching "DC" shirts, him with a large camera, her with a fanny pack. insisted on taking pictures on either side of it, first of her then of him. SERIOUSLY? who's going to want to see that photo?
anywho, sorry for the complaining. i am now "job searching" for the morning, before going back out to the museums this afternoon. i couldn't think of an appropriate musical to detail my travels, but i DID find this ABSOLUTELY ridiculous/AWFUL number, from the (probably appropriately so) underrated film "grease 2" reminded me of end-of-year bowling
(and don't miss the young michelle pfieffer in a role perhaps she doesn't acknowledge any more....)
I am writing my post from our nations capital, i'm visiting 'g' and then heading up the east coast for some more visiting/hopefully job interviewing. g and i have been monument/musuem hopping but now she has started this whole "job" thing that people speak of so i am on my own for cultural explorations. A little recap of my day yesterday:
I went to the Corcoran Museum first thing in the morning after leaving g at the office saw an AMAZING richard avedon exhibit (he was the first photographer on staff at the new yorker), amazing both because of the pieces and because it was basically empty besides me and a few of the over 50 set. Then i made my way across town to the air and space museum which was SWARMING with children on some school trip all running around with matching tshirts UGH. so i took refuge in an imax movie, unfortunately i didn't look too closely at the titles when selecting, instead opting for the next available show, which ended up being "3D Sun", which i realized as the handed me the 3D glasses at the some of you know i am not gifted with depth all. seriously. nothing. so while i enjoyed becoming more knowledgeable on our solar system's center, i feel the big appeal of the movie was perhaps lost on me. whenever people would gasp/duck at the satellite coming their way i would then realize that it was in fact, coming in my general direction....i finished my museum day at the national archives, to pay my respects to the constitution, one of my all-time favorite documents (i also got a postcard of it in the gift shop). i will say however that my love of it does NOT extend to needing a photo with it on both sides, again because of school groups (ugh children, so hefty and sticky) it took me forever to get in to the 'rotunda' to view it (an hour and a half!) and THEN the couple in front of me, wearing matching "DC" shirts, him with a large camera, her with a fanny pack. insisted on taking pictures on either side of it, first of her then of him. SERIOUSLY? who's going to want to see that photo?
anywho, sorry for the complaining. i am now "job searching" for the morning, before going back out to the museums this afternoon. i couldn't think of an appropriate musical to detail my travels, but i DID find this ABSOLUTELY ridiculous/AWFUL number, from the (probably appropriately so) underrated film "grease 2" reminded me of end-of-year bowling
(and don't miss the young michelle pfieffer in a role perhaps she doesn't acknowledge any more....)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
J is done for the night
I am tired, I am a little drunk and my eyes keep sorta closing.
So tonight I was supposed to go this dance performance in the HOP followed by a work event, but before that I had a meeting with a Prof about my work, well 3 hours later, 2 margaritas and a half a mollys pizza later i am laying on my bed. trying to type this entry.
Good part, my old Prof really likes my work and is super encouraging. Bad part I am drunk by 9pm on a tuesday night.
I can't even function to provide a funny report. Will you all forgive me if I finish my post tomorrow. I just want to make it count, and right now i want to nap it out until tomorrow.
With love, trying to listen to the debates,
until tomorrow
Monday, October 6, 2008
I Honor No One
I have decided that Lily and I are the only one's who take this blog thing seriously. We don't leave our homes, we don't go off to strange new lands, we aren't vagabonds like the rest of these Jezabells. Instead we fall alseep at 5 pm on our inflatable bed with our shoes on and dangling off the side. And when I say we, I mean I.
I came home today and started studying for the GRE and at 3 got a little distracted b/c when in my previous life (a la 4 weeks ago) 3pm arrived that started a 2 hour long massive shut down. 3pm is General Hospital Time for those of you out there who aren't in the known, and that means all communication and contact with those around you must halt. Now you might say "Jennifer I understand you take your soaps really seriously (J: Interjects "my soap, singular"), Soap seriously, but why the 2 hours, don't tell me you need to reflect." No, reflection happens automatically, the second hour is for another lady I like to call Oprah. Yes just like there is a special place in my heart for the Martha, on the other side of my heart is the Oprah.
So today was just particularly difficult since i made it past my 3 pm hump, but once 4 pm rolled around I couldn't hold it together anymore. I snapped, I haven't seen Oprah and GH in so long. I couldn't just casually sit in front of my computer filling in the blanks in sentences or trying to remember math. I cracked. And so I made chicken and potatos. If I couldn't be one with all the housewives of the world taking a 2 hour break in the day I was going to act like them and cook at 4 pm.
Then after I cooked and cleaned (and did my laundry) I fell alseep on my bed. Half pity party for myself half I just wanted a nap. And you know what, 2 hours later I felt great. So ladies Take a moment to do the housewife thing for yourself, then nap it out. I feel like I can attack the world, after my pasta finishes cooking.
And as for my vagabonds, enjoy the sites and have a fantastic time, and please don't fall asleep half on your beds, unless there is a damn good story attached.
And in honor of D who is off being a vagabond, he is a CNN clip of the importance of SNL in politics. I think she would agree, and anytime Tiny Fey plays Sarah Palin I laugh heartily. And Obama is up 8 Points, woot!
Friday, October 3, 2008
lsats, yoga, and broadway, oh my!
So i preemptively apologize if this entry is slightly sub-par....I've been lsat-ing all day with a brief break for yoga--and yes I realize how ridiculous that sounds--but the lsat is pretty ridiculous, example question from today:
Q: Pretzels cause cavities. Interstingly, the longer that a pretzel remains in contact with the teeth when it is being eaten, the greater the liklihood that a cavity will result. What is true of pretzels in this regard is also true of carmels. Therefore, since caramels dissolve more quickly in the mouth than pretzels do, eating a carmel is less likely to result in a cavity than eating a pretzel is.
What is the flaw in this reasoning?
UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, but I think I'll stop soon, watch a movie and then just sleep--over tomorrow!!
Anywho, i thought i would continue with the Charlie Brown theme AND continue with the broadway life lessons with this little kristin chenoweth (of betty! (hi j), frasier (hi a! and d, since i know frasier's on before golden girls) and pushing daisies (hi craig! our 1 reader) number from "you're a good man, charlie brown" in which she played sally brown.....LOVE her, this is the role she first became semi-famous for (and won a tony for!)...sorry i promise a better post next week
also, unrelated to broadway, but interesting/amusing/important
Q: Pretzels cause cavities. Interstingly, the longer that a pretzel remains in contact with the teeth when it is being eaten, the greater the liklihood that a cavity will result. What is true of pretzels in this regard is also true of carmels. Therefore, since caramels dissolve more quickly in the mouth than pretzels do, eating a carmel is less likely to result in a cavity than eating a pretzel is.
What is the flaw in this reasoning?
UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, but I think I'll stop soon, watch a movie and then just sleep--over tomorrow!!
Anywho, i thought i would continue with the Charlie Brown theme AND continue with the broadway life lessons with this little kristin chenoweth (of betty! (hi j), frasier (hi a! and d, since i know frasier's on before golden girls) and pushing daisies (hi craig! our 1 reader) number from "you're a good man, charlie brown" in which she played sally brown.....LOVE her, this is the role she first became semi-famous for (and won a tony for!)...sorry i promise a better post next week
also, unrelated to broadway, but interesting/amusing/important
Thursday, October 2, 2008
in honor of g
in keeping with d's tribute to a, i thought i'd post something in honor of g since she couldn't post today (its still thursday in this time zone)......barrett and i were watching "you're in love, charlie brown" today--as a side note, evil barrett seemed to identify quite closely with lucy....anyways there was a scene in it that reminded me of our darling 'g' (and i really do mean this with LOTS of love)
i couldn't find a shorter clip, so just go to 2:20 once it loads.......
(and sorry i couldn't embed it, youtube has disabled the option on this video for some reason).....ugh so tired, too much lsat-ing....will post tomorrow!
i couldn't find a shorter clip, so just go to 2:20 once it loads.......
(and sorry i couldn't embed it, youtube has disabled the option on this video for some reason).....ugh so tired, too much lsat-ing....will post tomorrow!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
in honor of A who cannot be with us today
i thought id venture onto cuteoverload, her mecca, and find something A-worthy.
that website is a mental virus.
you leave it spouting sugary incomprehensibles like "freshly borned hedgehoglets" "prosh kitteh" "muzzelpowsches" and "comfortubuhls" other words, you've got A as the voice in your head. sort of warm and fuzzy for a moment and then terrifying.
this one was slightly more suited to my sense of humor so i decided to post it as a compromise.

that website is a mental virus.
you leave it spouting sugary incomprehensibles like "freshly borned hedgehoglets" "prosh kitteh" "muzzelpowsches" and "comfortubuhls" other words, you've got A as the voice in your head. sort of warm and fuzzy for a moment and then terrifying.
this one was slightly more suited to my sense of humor so i decided to post it as a compromise.

heh. hehehehe.
Pretend it's Thursday/Trying to be Proactive
First, let me just say that now that i have had the chance to catch up on all y'all's postings (yes that's right...all y'all... i live closer to home now so i can revert back), i am incredibly sad I have not been getting in on the witty banter following each post. Damn comcast for not getting internet set up in my house. on the bright side, I think the guys who run this coffee shop/breakfast place/panini cafe (yes it's a little schizo) now consider me a regular. I threw them off today when I ordered a coffee instead of a chai. Watch out panini guy! Next time I might get chamomile!
Also, I can't wait for next week's posts. Did D take the job? Did J pee her pants/innapropriately manipulate the interns? Has L yet broken into song in LSAT class? (I really, really hope so.)
Yes, I realize Weds is not my day, but tomorrow I fly away on the office retreat and will once again be without internet. So, life update since, err, posting "last week" like two days ago:
1. I lied when I said I had completely finished painting the downstairs. The dining room still looks like shit. This fucking red paint won't go on even. I spent all day yesterday on it. I managed to come out of the experience looking like a homicide victim, or maybe Carrie (the creepy one, not the one with the Manolo fetish). But the walls still look like a two-year-old did the job with finger paint. J, seriously, I need Martha to swoop in on her magic paintbrush and save the day. Maybe we'll just never turn on the chandelier (which makes every awk brush stroke GLOW) and no one will notice.
2. Good news: the exterminator laid his traps. Bad news: Yesterday I had to listen to a thrashing mouse under the oven squeek out a slow, painful death. Causing me to run out of the kitchen while flailing half-rinsed-off paintbrush. On the kitchen floor, you can now see the site of my apparent homicide.
3. Still battling it out with the mosquitos. Or perhaps I'm sleeping with a spider? Beginning to look like I have chicken pox. (Red paint splotches, of course, don't help).
Look forward to catching up on your posts when I return from the retreat my dears :-)
Also, I can't wait for next week's posts. Did D take the job? Did J pee her pants/innapropriately manipulate the interns? Has L yet broken into song in LSAT class? (I really, really hope so.)
Yes, I realize Weds is not my day, but tomorrow I fly away on the office retreat and will once again be without internet. So, life update since, err, posting "last week" like two days ago:
1. I lied when I said I had completely finished painting the downstairs. The dining room still looks like shit. This fucking red paint won't go on even. I spent all day yesterday on it. I managed to come out of the experience looking like a homicide victim, or maybe Carrie (the creepy one, not the one with the Manolo fetish). But the walls still look like a two-year-old did the job with finger paint. J, seriously, I need Martha to swoop in on her magic paintbrush and save the day. Maybe we'll just never turn on the chandelier (which makes every awk brush stroke GLOW) and no one will notice.
2. Good news: the exterminator laid his traps. Bad news: Yesterday I had to listen to a thrashing mouse under the oven squeek out a slow, painful death. Causing me to run out of the kitchen while flailing half-rinsed-off paintbrush. On the kitchen floor, you can now see the site of my apparent homicide.
3. Still battling it out with the mosquitos. Or perhaps I'm sleeping with a spider? Beginning to look like I have chicken pox. (Red paint splotches, of course, don't help).
Look forward to catching up on your posts when I return from the retreat my dears :-)
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