The updated version:
As the psychic who approached me on the streets of Vegas (more on that in a sec) put it, it doesn't take much to make me happy, the little things make me happier even more than the big things (although i don't know if that's true, big things make me happy too, just different kinds of happy). I do derive pleasure from the little things in life, a warm moment between friends, cute pictures of cute animals, my new glasses, a good cup of tea, any kind of pun, an unexpected innuendo and so on. I just got back from rollerblading along the bike path at the beach. It was cool and dark, there weren't many people but enough that i felt safe. I had my trusty ipod shuffle playing perfect mood music low enough that i could still hear the sound of the waves crashing. I breathed in the smell of ocean and fires burning (because her in SoCal we light our fireplaces when it gets into the low 60s) and the felt the slight sting of the salty air breeze on my perspiring face. I love the feeling of gliding, almost flying, along the concrete. All these little experiences together just seem to cut through and calm me and generate a permeating feeling of contentedness. It just doesn't get better than being in that moment.
Rollerblading actually hit the spot because I have had a crazy week and have been a jumble of nerves all day. Allow me to recount:
I went to Vegas this past weekend with my friend JFS and my mother. Mom was doing a wedding and she brought JFS and me along for fun. Highlights/lowlights include:
- 4 hour drive there with no traffic
- great food! amazing pasteries for breakfast. biggest steak ever for dinner, seriously the biggest steak ive ever seen. and cheesecake lollipops, yummy
- gambling. i played the slots and the tables for the first time! i had my chips and everything. JFS prefers blackjack, i lost money on that game. Im a fan of casino war (just the card game war with money), no thinking involved. I actually was up at one point.
- Saw O. Oh My God. It's beyond description, i mean most cirque du soliel is but wow, just wow. It blew my mind.
- wedding reception for people I didn't know (mom did obviously) was awkward, JFS and I left early.
- make up courtesy JFS and got dressed for "going out". Let me tell you about what people wear in vegas, what the women wear specifically. Basically, women wear heels and clothing that leaves them in danger of revealing one to all of their typically private areas. Another issue I had (of course i would have issues in vegas, i can't quiet my cultural critic completely, alcohol helps though) was that prostitution is legal there and although i have complicated views about prostitution, what i unequivocally do not like are the people who stand on the sidewalk wearing shirts saying "For Girls call..." and handing out these cards with naked women and the number you call to purchase them. I do have to admit I did wear a shirt that highlighted my bountiful bust (yeah that's right bountiful) and I looked damned good.
- Smoked a couple of stogies (at my insistence). i actually semi-enjoyed it.
- Semi-molested by drunk women who asked us for light. She caressed my breast and slapped my ass. always nice to be complimented (it's the vegas way).
- A psychic approached us and I paid for a sidewalk reading, i mean there were some things she said that were uncanny, totally worth it.
- drinks. drinks were free on the casino floor and we got this Eiffel tower thing full of frozen strawberry goodness and alcohol, although i never did get drunk.
- went to Tao in the Venetian. Some celebrities there. danced scandalously with a man. may have made out with him on the dance floor (i know, i know). gave him my number, never expecting to hear from him again
- general merriment
Quite the eventful weekend. I actually had a great time and didn't lose that much money ultimately.
Then came tuesday. On tuesday I get a call from vegas man, he wants to get to know me better. Enter feelings of shock. So we talked, i was strange on the phone because i didn't know what to do with myself, this was not expected. We talked again today actually. He was quite cute as i remember and has a great laugh, but I don't know what to do with all of his offers to get together, like me flying to San Fran or driving back to vegas or him coming down to LA. well i know not to be in non-public places but seriously, im just caught completely off guard.
apparently what happens in vegas sometimes keeps calling.... anyway I see no harm in talking on the phone and so far so good, ill keep you updated
On top of all that excitement I got a couple of emotion inducing phone calls yesterday. One had to do with my father situation (got an email about it today as well), drama, and big decisions to be made on that. The other one had to do with the health of my thyroid. Could be a fluke, if not still only a slight imbalance, but I have to make an appointment with an endocrinologist to see if I indeed have hypothyroidism.
SO yeah, wow life, when it rains it pours. There might be more rollerblading in my future. (on a tangent, it was actually all the more exciting because i faced some of my anxiety and went rollerblading my myself)
1 comment:
a! the rollerblading sounds pretty magical (although what is rollerblading "mood music"?? 80s i dare hope??) its so important to have those de-stress activities to balance out the rest of the daily craziness, (mine has been yoga for the past few weeks...although today was stressful, more on that in my post tomorrow)
vegas sounds RIDICULOUS (and nice use of 'bountiful' ps. ) :)
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