ok so heres the deal with my job after week 1.
the people are still great and the material would be somewhat interesting if i only understood any of it.
but as is i feel useless no matter how hard i work. today i managed to lose a 40 page document id spent four hours obsessively making for an extremely time sensitive project.
fucking fantastic.
and then in my panic at having to redo it in under an hour, i stapled my hand.
moral: dont take your anger out on a stapler. it bites back.
i do realize how long of a process it is to feel comfortable in a job so im not frustrated at that part and im actually feeling relatively patient about it because i love boston and i love the life im making here but there is one thing i cant deal with and thats my cubicle.
stand it.
and as if i weren't having enough trouble sitting in a five by five grey space for ten hours a day, a visit from a particularly adventurous loved one who is about to take off across the country on a motorcycle for an indefinite number of months threw my cube-loathing into a frenzy.
i hear the seconds of my life ticking by in the humming of the halogen.
i literally cant work there. i spend fifteen minutes out of every hour looking numbly at the non desrcript grey walls and wondering what soulless miserable aesthetically void decision maker actually chose the color...
who thought it would be a good idea to hole a human up in a cell of a space with no access to a window and expect any level of productivity?
could you really be brilliant in this space?
im just starting to add some postcards as you can see, on the right wall.
i think ill add a cube-pic of the week so you can all chart the D-ification of this wretched space.
ive actually tried watering it a few times and everyone thinks im crazy and its sure not doing anything its as pitiful as ever but i swear the day i walk by it and dont feel sorry for it is the day i need to get the fuck out of this office.
on brighter topics, yesterday i took a walk ending up in brighton, an extremely funky area, and i actually hit the MECCA of all thrift spots... a place called urban renewal which is a MASSIVE warehouse of color coordinated highly organized AWESOME second hand clothing. take a look at this rack:
what? where am i? heaven? thought so.
and then there were the shoes:
i got a pair of seventies snowboots and a pair of gold heels for a grand total of 7 bucks. i practically skipped out of there.
the goal of the trip had really been to check out sofas... and eventually i couldnt avoid it anymore and did find a few decent cheap ones in a sketchy furniture warehouse where they were slashing prices for me so fast and furiously i thought they might just give me the damn thing...
but i walked away.
buying a sofa is a loaded issue for me... ever since i realized i actually had to fill a full apartment i began to experience this strong furniture commitment phobia.
it goes back to the cubicle craziness... im just not ready to settle...i guess.
the idea of owning a couch has felt like id be tying a big ass sofa shaped anchor around my neck that id have to drag through my life forever more keeping me from ever picking up and flying away if the urge ever struck me.
but i walked home last night thinking about the options i had in the couch department, one of which being a pile of pillows in the middle of my living room... and all of a sudden i felt ready. and i knew exactly which one i wanted.
three weeks ago mom and i went to jennifer convertibles in nashua and they had a special on a very small honey brown corduroy pull out sofa... and i liked it but at that point was still breaking out in a sweat at the thought of a mattress so we didnt pursue it...
well today after work i walked to the nearest jennifer and they happened to have the same one in the showroom and i looked at that sweet soft little couch and it looked at me and i said: i could live with you. i think i love you.
itll be delivered two weeks from yesterday. im actually thrilled.
and i dont feel my chest tightening at the thought of it.
is that upward growth or are my roots just drawing down into the boston dirt? is that a bad thing?
Speaking of roots i thought id enclose a few pix of the place, more to be put up on facebook when i FINALLY finish painting which i havent because without B its just no fun and after a long day of sitting in place i just cant find the strength to lift a roller....
but here are two of my favorite little details of the house
i cant wait to share the space with lil and all the rest of you when you come to stay with us.
no really. now ive got a sofa with a pull out full size bed. youre coming.
this is an angle of the kitchen. the pix actually a little old the landlady just put in an all new dishwasher and you can see in the reflection ive got pans hanging on the opposite wall but ive added a bunch more since then...its a wonderful sweet cheery space. it looks and feels just the way i think kitchens should. full and warm and cozy.
also exceptionally cheery due almost entirely to the best shower curtain ever.
target kids section.
oh and then today i got the wonderful natural wood matchstick blinds id ordered for my room and mistook myself for someone who was, you know, handy, and in my attempts to hammer/screw/drill the thingies into the wall managed to remove some portion of the windowsill.
but its no biggie because im the luckiest unhandy girl ever, having conveniently made friends with lots of people who know how to put shit together. and fix my inane mistakes.
J is coming to stay tomorrow night powertools in tow.
love it.
love you all.
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