"Change is Good"
As J said so well, today I am proud to be an American. Now I can't remember what exactly I wrote on my first attempt, but it was along of the jist of this is such an amazing time to be alive in this country and I am truly hopeful. Last night we had our neighbors over, we popped champagne, cheered, got misty eyed during his speech and even set off fireworks in the street (we did seem to be the only ones celebrating on our block, or at least celebrating so obviously, but that's what makes us special). In addition, prop 4 failed, yay! There is a dark cloud though, prop 8 in CA passed, a CA constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. Although I am so proud of my country, I am disappointed in my state (which you all know I love so much). It just goes to show that our country has come so far, yet still has much further to go.
On a complete change of subject, I want to share a little photo essay/posting on my Martha Stewart Halloween, or as I like to think of it: getting in touch with my inner goddess...
As a family, we pimped out our outside.
Here is Mom and Mike getting into the spirit (Mom more than Mike) and giving our candy.
My marathon of domestic creativity started with my pumpkin carving, of which I am quite proud.
I cooked all day, my octoberfest/halloween meal consisted of blood cocktails (not real blood of course), bratwursts with apple sauerkraut, Garlic and fresh herb boiled potatoes, a green bean almond salad of my own creation, a mixed green salad, fondant ghost cupcakes for dessert (i caved and bought the cupcakes and frosting, seriously ran out of time for that, but i did the decorating myself!), and the crowning achievement pretzels, homemade pretzels, from scratch. Holy crap i did not know what i was getting into, but I pulled it off and if I do say so myself (and I do and so did everyone else) it was all pretty tasty. I don't mean to boast, I was just really excited that it all worked out and was actually successful so I had to shar. So enjoy the visual feast!
That last one was the aftermath. I firmly believe that when you cook, you shouldn't have to clean, but alas no one in my house shares that belief.
And to end my post, I give you your weekly cute election style:
and an extra special bonus.. a picture of my puppy!! look at my cute little puppy..who's so cute?... Angel is!
J i think you need to seriously watch out because A is pushing you out of your martha stewart spot. that pumpkin, those pretzels and those cupcakes look like something out of Martha magazine where you (i) kind of read the instructions and realize you NEVER get it to look that good, and then throw out the mag. whoa. so impressed. also, your family is nuts when it comes to holiday decorating. fucking nuts.
A--so impressive! wow wow wow, martha is shaking in her ballet flats
(also, i'm glad you felt that you had to make sure we realized you weren't actually serving blood....)
also, love the decorations!
I am worried, I would never put the time in to do something like that. My ghosts would be crooked and half the sized since I would have eaten them, the pumpkins would have caused 10 more stiches in my hand, and I surely wouldn't have had the foresight to photograph it all. Hell i forgot to take pictures in Cali. But I am not jealous, I am proud. I hope to one day have a spread like that. Great work anna!
The pumpkin is out of control good.
And fondant. Does that even have a taste? And how does one obtain fondant? Do you make it? Buy it?
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