Although not if my internet has any say in the matter. I've been trying to post (and comment) and having issues. So slowly, very slowly, I feel like I'm starting to come out of the funk that has been my life these past couple of months. Although at the same time I technically have nothing to do, I seem to have so much to do right this second. I've said this before, but so much of my life seems to hinge on making decisions that take time and processing, hence why I've felt so stuck/ in a standstill lately. But I feel better that I am getting out and about a bit more. I drove up to Ventura to visit JFS on friday for her friend's (and mine through her) birthday (where i got rear ended when sitting at a red light, no worries no damage on my end, but it definitely put me in mind of the Dane cook bit, although these people were really apologetic, like alcohol involved apologetic). Then I drove back to LA and went out with O (who I hadn't seen for a while) to a wine bar on saturday. It was exciting because we finally did something we had been talking about doing for such a long time, we cabbed there and back (not a common thing in LA)and I stayed over her house and the next morning we had a nice breakfast. At the wine bar we has a slight adventure with this group of guys, although I feel like the hilarity won't translate well over posting (especially they way I tell stories, you all know what im talking about). then yesterday, i went to Planned Parenthood's Bingo for Choice event. Oh man, SO FUN!! Belle Aire was the MC and it was risque bingo. Think about this for a moment, can you think of anything better for me than bingo or like game with explicit sexual overtones? that is my idea of an evening well spent. I didnt' win anything (the grand prize was a box of "goodies" from Pleasure chest and vibrators and cockrings were an added bonus for other winners) I came close when we played the "frank and beans" game, just ponder that. sigh, so good. Then today I went to the holiday open house night in manhattan beach, all the shops stay open and have drinks and food and decorations, it was fun.
in regards to J's post, i actually came across this article the other day about her new song/her songs in general.
i do have to say that although i love Beyonce, you all know that I can't stop the booty from shaking when her songs come on, but I have always felt a bit funny about them. They seem "empowering" yet they seemed to be conservative in regards to gender roles at the same time. The article says it better than me, although I don't know if I completely agree with it. I need to think on it more, but I wanted to put that out there.
I also found two other great sites one is, SO FUNNY, some are sad and other inappropriate, but mostly i rate them as funny. on the more intellectual front, you all need to check this site out:
and now ill leave you on an appropriate hump day note:

a! haha, i cannot imagine what i would do at risque bingo (actually that's not true, i'd probably get very red and awkward) but it sounds like things are good--and i really liked the blog/site that you linked, very interesting and VERY true
love the socimages site. on it now and totally fascinated and totally hearing you in all the commentary.
ive added it to links we like.
also, cockrings, really?
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