Friday, September 19, 2008

Who needs a salary when you can have showtunes and yoga?

So as I have informed at least some of you, I have decided to embrace yoga in place of not currently having a "job" (so overrated), and not just any yoga...HOT yoga, meaning yoga in 110 degrees. Yeah. And by "embraced", I really mean I went on Monday, but! I did quite enjoy it, the heat makes you feel a little more intense-o, and my instructor, Petra, is a strapping German gal with a strong accent. I intended to go everyday this week, but managed to sleep through it/arrive late everyday including today until I realized that there was also a noon class! AND as I discovered, the noon class is slightly less hard-core, its only 90 degrees and instead of the passive-aggressive-soccer mom early morning crowd, its more the 65+ with a couple hip replacements crowd. Much more my scene. Really. The noon class is also led not by Petra but by Laurie, an aging hippie who I'm fairly certain just makes up some of the yoga poses (Is "swinging bear" a pose? I'm no expert but I sense not.) Anywho, the yoga really has been a good distraction from the LSAT studying, the babysitting (although yesterday, after 4+ hrs with evil Barrett the 4-year old, we invented a lovely game called "if i hit you with the ball, i get a point"...I did quite well at it), and the job search which is more frustrating right now than anything else. Hence the yoga, and the showtunes! (per usual) I saw Avenue Q earlier this week, which was fantastic! I felt this song especially relates to our/my current situation, (and as I can't figure out how to link music as of yet--maybe by next week-- I just linked a youtube file, sorry!).

Worst comes to worst though, I'm still planning on this as my back up job--anyone else in??? Think of how great it would be on a resume! I want to be either the dancing eggplant or the tomato.


D said...

i am having a MOST difficult time imagining what swinging bear would look like. but i am most amused by the mental gymnastics im doing to picture the post.

G said...

I don't think I'd rule out the dancing cheese-- their wigs are pretty fantastic.

J said...

So I just listened to Avenue Q and i forgot how critical that song is. If anyone wants to make believe they are still in college please come visit me and sleep on my air bed. We would have to share it, but still. And lily can someone take a picture of you while you are doing swinging bear?