Monday, September 29, 2008

so confused...could be the weed.

confused by so many things.
such as the list posted below by JE. 
mice, roofies and trading spaces. oh my.
also confused by this video, just sent to me by an old classmate, which features my middle school latin/english/drama teacher, ashton crosby, who, as far as i know, was fired from my school on accusation of fondling the wee ones.  
an accusation i didnt have to stretch too far to believe.
and who apparently is now doing college humor videos??
this is one of MANY in which he is featured. 
very confusing.
also confused about life which is nothing new.
i have to decide tomorrow (PANIC) whether or not to take the burson marsteller job in new york and ladies, i still have no idea. no idea. none. 
one minute i lean hard in the direction of taking it because i dont have any other options at the present and at least id be doing something productive and putting something on my resume besides "june 2008-present: lifetime movie expert, cat caretaker, and incredible blob" 
and the next i think, this is not your job, this is not your city, keep searching, the second coming of the great depression doesn't necessarily mean you have to panic and take a job if its not right. 
confused by that too.
but like i said, it could be residual effects of the time i spent last night completely, wonderfully out of my damn mind.
a very special friend of mine, lets call her B, (who i might add is an avid reader of this blog! and my other! which i think makes her my only reader!) brought over some of the great green wonder and we danced like monkeys with epilepsy for about three hours, laughing at our situations and loving every moment of it.
heres the song we got the biggest kick out of:
wait wait! it was actually this ratatat remix that we REALLY got down to!
picture me at a hippie hoedown walking it off like zoolander all over the poolhouse and you'll have some idea of how this played out.
we scared the cat. ill just say that.
no closer to a decision, but it was worth it to take life less seriously for a brief moment.
how often in our lives can we act like complete and utter fools and know that the people we're with wont judge us, not even a little bit? 
well, in my case, pretty often since i have you four and B and some other quality people who have all watched me dance naked with my hair standing on end. without drugs.
but what if i cant be around you because of where i move for work? 
ill start taking myself way too seriously! 
its been a long week.
beautiful in some ways, but long.
im going into the city tomorrow and then im off on friday for ten days. ill miss two posts in a row! but ill be thinking of each of you and will be so excited to read everything when i get back.
bye yall.
who am i kidding, im sure ill talk to each of you in the next 24 hours. 


D said...

oh yeah, i think ive figured out that if you post an mp3 to boomp3 it works, its hte mp4s that dont work. i hope you guys like that remix of hte shout out louds song, its highly addictive. at least to me!

L said...

haha, LOVE the image of your "dance-style", i think it will come in very handy when we find that country-western bar (also love the song! send it to me?)