Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I have taken a lover and finally turned 15

Hello ladies,
Firstly I would like to say how excited I am by this blog, it is quite an interesting experience.  And I am so glad you are all doing it.  But now on with my post and out with my lover.

So yes, yet again I have taken a lover. He is a year younger and looks 12 but can he sing.  He is Jesse Mccartney.  I don't think any relation, but if there is lily you better call me ASAP. So how did I find this lover, well I have known about him since high school when he released the album "Beautiful Soul" and was on the hit TV show, Summerland.  I couldn't have been the only one who watched that show, someone please back me up. Well He has released a new album and well it is kickass. Okay so I haven't heard the entire CD but if it is anything like this song then it is amazing.

So yes I love this song and thus I love him.  You know I am pretty transparent about the reasons for my love.  But then I saw the following clip and decided that he and I needed to make children

I mean do I need to say anything more.  And really watch those clips.
And talking about babies, i just got facebook friended by a kid that I went to high school with and I think he is married and has two children.  I can't really imagine what that is like.  I don't think I could raise 2 seedlings let alone 2 children.  That freaked me out. 
And talking about children, I realized I just turned 15, woot. So you know I went through my teeny bopper stage, I thought I was over that. You know when Brit Brit had babies I figured I could live without teenagers singing to me and getting all goo goo eyed.  But alas, not true.  Obviously my new lover is sorta teeny bopper, but he is trying to do the sexy R&B, I am Justin Timberlake thing, so we can forgive him.  But The Jonas Brothers and Miley do not deny their teenness.  Is anyone else obsessed with Love Bug.  Maybe its just me. 

On more mature notes, my jobs are going well.  I really am enjoying my time at the Hop.  I am always doing something and its fun.  Lets hope it keeps up this way. AND best of all I get to wear jeans at all times and get to meet cool people. I am just worried about applying to grad school. I have so much work to do.  It is really overwhelming if I think about it at once.  I try not to do that, but right before I go to bed is really difficult because I think about all the things I could, should be doing and it stresses me out.  But I am trying to do breathing exercises and mentally calming things.  All i need to do is get into Stanford then get my life back later.  Lets all cross our fingers for me.  I talked to a grad from the Product design program today at 3pm and she was really great and made me really excited about the opportunity. It seems like a perfect fit for me.  First Dartmouth then the hop then Stanford and an engineering husband and my life will be complete, ok not but close. 

and on the living situation.  Things are really working out.  I mean I am living very poorly and will at one point this week only have 30 dollars to my name but  ehh who really needs money. And i really like 3 of 4 of my roommates.  They are really great and funny. The other one is a straight crazy.  And we all except for the crazy one realize that we had been targeted by her.  She complained to each of us about how much noise we make. So now that we know we are in the majority we are going to take control back from that crazy.  Other than that I like living here.  It is nice, I like cooking for myself and it is a house which is always good.  

Okay Ladies it has been fun, can't wait to hear what you guys have to say!



A said...

okay, i commend him for the effort and i see how you could be smitten, but i have to say it, i can't get over the 12 year old face... during the first video i felt like i was watching something not quite legal/right

but glad to hear things are working for you!

D said...

i just love your writing voice. it is so YOU. as is your taste in boys. not men. boys. something ive come to find charming but which, like a parent, i am secretly hoping is a phase. after which you will marry tep. can i say that? just did!

J said...

I have thought about the marriage to Tep, and on so many levels it works out, but I don't know if I can do it. I think I need a man who can fix the toaster. I mean I can fix the toaster, but I want to know he can too. And well Tep can't fix the toaster

L said...

but tep will serenade you in the hanover streets!
i support this. but only as a backup in case one red-headed, transfer engineer doesn't work out, or my cousin jessie. (which ps. really j? really?)

but i do have to say, yes. love bug. fantastic.

so happy to hear that things are going well! AND tomorrow night's the betty premiere! woooo!

as for the roommate situation--take back the control from the crazy! trust me, my freshman year roommate talked to pumpkins. will call tomorrow to discuss betty.