thats been the recent theme of our phone calls, emails, texts and even blog posts.
whether weve got a job, got a job offer, got no job offer but searching, got no idea what job wed even want to be offered, no idea what a job even is, no idea where we want to be in the future, no idea where we are right now, were all working through our own massive question marks.
maybe the only thing not in question is how seriously we need to stay connected.
for posterity, and on the off chance that anyone besides us reads this, im posting excerpts from the email conversation that decided the name of this crazy beautiful experiment.
if it doesn't clarify the name of the blog it will at least show our readers the kind of special, special people they've just encountered...
D to all five
subject: blog name options:
"the tricky part is finding something some loser hasnt taken who then only posted once in 2003. pissed me off to find a few of my good ideas taken. like 'five cents'. or five sense.
here are a few things i came up with from urban dictionary having to do with five that are not allready taken.
five across the eye (a slap)
five will get you ten (an old saying meaning that odds are good)
five cents short of a quarter
five points above
*five-by (an on the go high five without stopping. dorky but hilarious. i kind of like that one)
five-by-five (a way of saying everythings cool)"
"the tricky part is finding something some loser hasnt taken who then only posted once in 2003. pissed me off to find a few of my good ideas taken. like 'five cents'. or five sense.
here are a few things i came up with from urban dictionary having to do with five that are not allready taken.
five across the eye (a slap)
five will get you ten (an old saying meaning that odds are good)
five cents short of a quarter
five points above
*five-by (an on the go high five without stopping. dorky but hilarious. i kind of like that one)
five-by-five (a way of saying everythings cool)"
J to all five:
"am I the only one who thinks this is like the sisterhood of the traveling blog?"
L to all five:
"oh my god YES...so true, although hopefully with less angst and better pants?also, i love the "five-by" idea, both in principle and possibly in blog name
i also suggest using broadway names as the blog name.....just throwing that out there, i mean the dolly parton musical 9 to 5 IS coming this fall about working women (or since i don't currently have a job, les miserables? no? sorry, i've been reading the broadway blogs where musical humor is BIG)"
A to all five:
"im keen on both the five-by (and five across the eyes, sassy but a bit on the violent side) and i actually like 9 to 5 as well
what about a golden girls reference? anyone? :D"
what about a golden girls reference? anyone? :D"
JE to all five:
"does anyone else remember the fab five from queer eye for the straight guy? no? no takers? hrmm.."
L to all five:
"i am ALL FOR golden girls reference....thats real wisdom
also, i attached 9 to 5 for everyone's enjoyment.....who doesn't love a little dolly sometimes? this blog should definitely have a music component"
also, i attached 9 to 5 for everyone's enjoyment.....who doesn't love a little dolly sometimes? this blog should definitely have a music component"
D to all five:
"the fab fives been used in a few other ways and, when referring to women, sounds a bit too much like the Great Eight, the self-titled eight most perfectly combed straightened, tanned and anorexic sluts who reigned over my highschool and were the terrors of all females on campus.
not us.
we COULD combine nine to five and five-by... nine to five-by?
but i kind of think five by is great since not all of us, or maybe actually none of us, are really working "9-5" per say. more like 8-8 if i take this job. or 10 pm to 6 am if i decide to throw in the towel and hit the street corner.
and five bying is kind of what were doing if were basically SOSing to eachother from across the country via this blog, handing off the post-baton form day to day between us, if you will."
not us.
we COULD combine nine to five and five-by... nine to five-by?
but i kind of think five by is great since not all of us, or maybe actually none of us, are really working "9-5" per say. more like 8-8 if i take this job. or 10 pm to 6 am if i decide to throw in the towel and hit the street corner.
and five bying is kind of what were doing if were basically SOSing to eachother from across the country via this blog, handing off the post-baton form day to day between us, if you will."
L to all five:
"or you could spell it 5x........like 5x5, although then it looks like math with is a negative"
J to all five:
"Am i really the only one that thinks five by sounds like a drive by, shooting that is, A you live in LA you need to back me up on this
i drove for a little bit and made dinner then this explosion of blog naming occurred
I like 9 to 5, and sisterhood of the traveling blog people!
and D tell me what corner you are working"
D to all five:
"yes it sounds like drive by! a five by is the high five version of a drive by!
how about 9-5?and call it ninetofivequestionmark
because really, who are we to call ourselves 9-5 when were just plainly not all working girls and those of us who are arent really doing anything so standard?
and questionmark is a clear reference to L.
any thoughts?
and i dont fucking know what corner im working. possibly hanover, J. you might see me up there soon selling my goods on frat row."
L to all five:
"umm several things:
1)D if you work the hanover corner you could be like dan weintraub the "musician" giving away free dirt cowboy last year if you listened to his cd OR like the crazy-face cowboy guy who also stalked out that corner
2) D five-by is NOT like a high-five drive-by--we are not shooting each other! i would describe it as more of an "air" high five
3) YES! ninetofivequestionmark! YES!
4) J i watched betty last night and think i need to be brought up to speed so that i am fully prepared for the premiere"
1)D if you work the hanover corner you could be like dan weintraub the "musician" giving away free dirt cowboy last year if you listened to his cd OR like the crazy-face cowboy guy who also stalked out that corner
2) D five-by is NOT like a high-five drive-by--we are not shooting each other! i would describe it as more of an "air" high five
3) YES! ninetofivequestionmark! YES!
4) J i watched betty last night and think i need to be brought up to speed so that i am fully prepared for the premiere"
D to all five:
"....thank you for educating me on the history of hanover-corner-working.
ill be sure to call myself the free dirty cowgirl in honor of those who have come before."
A to all five:
"oh can i do wednesday! it's hump day!! ::just imagine the grin that goes with that statement::
Alsoi do want to back up j on the driveby/fiveby business
and any suggestions for my posting name? the obvious choice is either A or murray, but i don't want to box myself in with just murray...
as a side note, it makes very happy to report that all of my sponsored links provided by gmail reference golden girls, ha"
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