Sunday, May 30, 2010

Thesaurus strikes again!

i'm writing a paper.

and i look up the word "clearly"

and what do i see?

another scolding

well, at least this one didn't call me a pompous twit

the section is copied below:

Exaggerators like this word, along with its cousins ( obviously,undeniably, undoubtedly, and the like). Often a statement prefaced with one of these words is conclusory, and sometimes even exceedingly dubious. As a result—though some readers don't consciously realize it— clearly and its ilk are ‘weasel words’—that is, unnecessary words that supposedly intensify the meaning of a statement, but actually weaken it. Just how much clearly can weaken a statement is evident in the following example, in which the author uses the word to buttress a claim about his own state of mind: “Clearly, I am not to be convinced that this is a small matter.” (Stephen White, The Written Word; 1984.)

1 comment:

MoCo said...

This is clearly an interesting point that I did not realize before.