That is really him singing, I almost crapped my pants, how is that possible?!?
He sings every female singer out there, but i like his man voice. Why is he doing this? I mean it would make one hell of a freak show for atlantic city or vegas, but still. How startling is that?
ok on a more serious note, tomorrow is my work holiday party. My direct boss is the DJ and the other girls in the department are the party planners, i am hoping for a big freakshow of a drunken party. I am going to run between it and cleaning eggshells in the basement. Lots of people are going to want to dance with the girl covered in egg membranes. (it is for a new project)
ok going home and sleeping it out, hope all is well! Maybe I will give a post holiday party re-cap.
I still kind of don't believe it.
Maybe it's just me or the video quality, but does it seem like he's inhaling when he sings the female part?
i really don't know what to say
i second L, WOW
i appreciate his mugging for the camera, makes me feel like he's singing just for me
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