one of my other closest friends living abroad, B, who you've all heard of/from on this blog, is in Peru but in her mysterious way a package arrived on my doorstep last night from her, full of so many good things i need in life including a copy of an unassuming but truly genius book that we read aloud to eachother during the two boston adventures she accompanied me on this fall.
The book is called Real Life Notes: reflections and strategies for life after graduation, by Kenneth Jedding.

you all must find it and buy it. you must. it deserves to be the bible of this blog.
the cover is nothing to write home about and the title isn't exactly gripping but we gave it a try because we had a lot of time to kill in cars and let me tell you, half way to boston we realized we had something special on our hands.
I'd drive and B would read, occasionally exclaiming or murmurring in disbelief at what seemed like the man's direct line into our inner lives and outer struggles, and i'd bang on the steering wheel and say READ IT OUTLOUD and shed say i will i will i just want to finish the chapter and then ill read you the most important parts and i'd make a fuss until she just started at the beginning and read the whole way through stopping occasionally so we could wag our fingers at the book and say, YOU, YOU'RE GOOD, YOU.
Sometimes though, the things he'd say would be so spookily right on target it was all we could do to just put the book down and stare at eachother and then back at the book and then at eachother and then out the window and then back at the book and then sigh and start reading again.
So she took the book to Peru on an incredible adventure that i dare say might be partially inspired/motivated by this book, and i stayed in boston trying to remember some of his pearls of wisdom. and trying to remember why i wasn't in Peru too.
this morning i decided to work from home since internet is slow in the office. so of course i picked up RLN, opened to page 64 randomly and started reading. i'm screwed on work, i have so much to get done today and havent even started, but work shouldn't be too mad because of course, while i was expecting to read some of the passages that B had read outloud that inspired her to take her leap, what i opened to was perfect for MY life and my choices. i started to type it out but work really is calling me so let me just leave you with this quote:
"we do not need and indeed will never have all the answers before we act... it is only through taking action that we can discover some of them."
oh and J's coming tonight! WOOOOO!
i'll definitely have to pick it up.
your quote reminded me of a line from a song in "sunday in the park with george" (forgive the constant broadway references)
"i chose and my world was shaken, the choice might have been mistaken, but choosing was not"
Oh no, it's not at either of my local libraries.
I'll have to spend an afternoon at Barnes and Noble
Thanks for book tip!
i think it might be kind of obscure! but not so obscure that she couldnt find a copy so let me know if you dont find it at barnes and nobles and if no i'll make a point of posting passages i read since im definitely going through and reading from the beginning again.
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