she told me to laugh as much as i can in the office.
youd think that would be made easier by the fact that im lucky enough to have people working around me who are as colorful as the actual environment is color-LESS but they rarely pop their heads out of their cubes.
so ive decided to go on a campaign to make everyone in my office laugh outloud involuntarily at least twice a day.
its a hard task because A. theyre stressed and B. theyre funny people and that means theyre tough customers.
but im determined.
kind of like terry tate, office going for Daisy, office clownface.
maybe you all have some suggestions for a better title...
today after coming back from teh bathroom where i tried to engage some of the techies we share the space with in convo, and failing, i emailed a coworker that " im convinced everyone on the right side of the building has the same social disease as my cousin john who often spends hours of family functions locked in various closets refusing to come out. we think he has assburgers. or however you spell it."
and from across the sea of cubes, i heard a snort. and then a full on laugh.
office clownface 1. Office Blues 0.
in the same vein im posting the following site
id heard about it years ago when it came out as an adjunt to overheardinnewyork but it makes especially good sense these days, just as The Office has become my new favorite show.
its all about mocking the misery.

1 comment:
i like this new approach. perhaps office jester?
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