Friday, December 12, 2008

moving and job and jury duty, oh my!

hello hello!

so let me first apologize for two things, 1) that this post is technically after midnight on friday, although since i've been the mtn. time zone contingent for some time, i'm going to say it's fine and 2) that this post is so short, i promise a longer post later this weekend, AND a musical link which i know you all look forward to every week and would be crushed without. i'm running around doing a zillion things since i am flying home on sunday for JURY DUTY UGHHHHHHHHH, and again, UGHHHHHHHH so frustrating! especially since had this happened any time in the last 6 monthes, this wouldn't be an issue. yuck.
in more exciting news, i have a job! well a part-time one anyway, which is a step! still looking for that oh-so-elusive full time one, but exciting to have something, and it's in a corner of the art world so even more exciting! i'm sure i'll talk to all of you soon/will post more, but yay! okay got to run.....i miss you all, really and truly. it gets a tad lonely when it's me, the cat and the allergies all day. will post more soon!


Craig said...

Great to hear about the part-time job!

Sarah Herringer said...

1) Congratulations! so exciting about the job! I can't wait to hear more details and I will definitely be calling you Sunday to catch up

2) Mmm interesting about the cat allergies - I suggest buying an amazing product called Clorox Anywhere Anti-Allergen fabric spray and spraying it everywhere (it's safe on every fabric and around kids, food, and pets!). It denatures allergen proteins rendering them inactive and thereby reduces your allergy symptoms! And even better - It's my product! It's distribution is still pretty small so you might have trouble finding it - Target, Walmart, and Kmart are probably your best bests. =)

D said...

wow well i hate to tell you but that was a wasted pitch because we already own it. i picked it up at our local hardware store a week ago. thats so funny.