So when did I come to this realization? Sunday when I finally saw Step Up 2 The Streets. Which dare I say it is the best dance movie to be made. It has crazy dancing, street, jazz, latin and everything in the middle, cute leads, tons of laughter and a romance that I want for my own.
am currently watching the film for the third time in 3 days. And it is only the 3rd time since I didn't have the film for a day and a half. I seriously can't focus on anything but this amazing film before me.
I just love the dancing, it moves a part of my heart that i only notice I have when I see amazing dancing. And having a good looking partner might make me realize another part of my heart exits. For those of you who haven't seen it, you must watch it. Don't even rent it, but it! This movie almost made me quite my job and try to become a professional dancer, then i remembered that maybe I should leave the flipping on my head to the real professionals. But I can always dream.
Moral of the story, you should all see Step Up 2 The Streets, it is my dream.
Also related to the dance you must all look at these 2 videos. I don't even want to give away any part of them because they are so damn funny. I think it made almost all the people I have show the video to pee their pants, including me. I couldn't watch them at work because I was going to laugh so hard that I might have lost my job. I can't concentrate when I laugh that hard or am watching this movie that is just too good. It's like cake that is so amazing that it might be deadly. I will try to write more tomorrow when I am not a laughing pile of mush.
Watch that second video until the end if you can without splitting your side.
Kudos on finding a full length clip of the SNL skit. I tried a week or two ago to no avail, impressive.
And no comment on the second video.
i can't believe you jut saw step up 2! i had just assumed that you had already experienced it's amazingness because it is so your movie... glad you discovered it
oh man, i'm going to have to see step up 2...although i haven't seen the first one...hmmm
and WOW to both the videos, just a big WOW
i scared d's cat away i was laughing so much
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