the boston marathon is taking place as i type RIGHT outside my office building which is pretty exciting but would be more so if i didnt work for a national agency so that i would have hte day off as everyone else in this town does. instead i walked to work because public transportation is essentially out of commission for the day and really that was pretty nice and only added about 20 mins to my commute and i could pick up a half coffee half hot chocolate on my way so when i weigh the pros and cons im pretty sure walking to work far outweighs the alternative of fighting aggressive bostonians onto a packed T only to have my morning systematically ruined over the next lurching screetching uncertain personal-space-less half hour.
i rode my bike into town on saturday and didnt die so thats also an option then again that was saturday and massholes tend to have exited the city for the weekend so im still not sure thats a great idea. i was also up on the sidewalk half the time and almost got killed when someone opened a car door. so again, perilous in a different way. and a face full of asphalt really wouldnt get me off to a great start either.
im blathering because im at work alone and avoiding the insane to-do list hiding behind this window. maybe it will go away. i also have a lot to get off my chest but im going to unload it on my other blogio and not bore you people with my internal ramblings.
at any rate. happy marathon monday wherever you are, i think its an appropirate way to describe the day regardless of whether youre in a town full of scrawny pavement pounding over-carbed maniacs or not.
much love
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